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05-02-04, 19:31
Hi there,

Does anyone else have a problem with their breathing. Whenever I am anxious I tend to hold my breath. Then all the panicky symptoms and feeling of doom creep over me. Does anyone else do this? Or does anyone have any tips on how I can stop doing this?

Any advice would be helpful. Thanks for listening.

05-02-04, 20:00

i usually cant breath probably when im in a panic attack.

it makes my chest hurt


05-02-04, 20:26

your problem is,that your doing the opposite,to wot you need be doing.

when your feeling very anxious...you concentrate on breathing through the diaphram(tummy)...breathe in to a count of 4..and breathe out to a count of 6...this regulates the gases <oxygen/carbon dioxide..and will help relax you...hope this helps..bryan.

06-02-04, 11:33
Bryan is right, I know it is easier said than done but you need to try and remember to do it, every time you notice your holding your breath try to do the breathing exercises. I know much of the time you will forget, but the more you do it, the more you will remember to do it.


06-02-04, 11:54
Dear Panic140671

Yes I too used to do that.

Holding your breath actually makes you more panicky than you were before.

Next time you feel yourself holding your breath, focus on your abdomen. Breathe in through the nose, your abdomen should raise. Breathe out through your mouth, the abdomen should lower.

Practice your breathing techniques whenever you can - get into the habit of "practicing" correct breathing for five minutes each night in bed before you go to sleep. After a short while your body will get used to breathing correctly without you having to think about it. And the exercises will help you get a good nights sleep.


06-02-04, 15:39
if i can just add,

the time to hold your breath,is when your hyperventilating,as your losing too much carbon dioxide...try holding your breath for 10/15 seconds,to stabilise the gas mixture.

although the easiest method is to put a small paper bag over your mouth,and nose...and breath in,and out of the bag...this keeps the co2 in the bag,so your breathing it back in.....bryan.

06-02-04, 16:38
Thanks guys for the replies. I cant believe how great this site is. I will try the tips - but I sometimes find it hard to breathe correctly. Dont know if that makes sense or not, but I feel like I am forcing my breath, and not breathing naturally, then I feel more panicky etc.

I will try the breathing into a bag though. Thanks for the advice.

06-02-04, 21:29
Hi panic

I think we all forget how to breathe sometimes. Have you read my website page on abdominal breathing - if you can't find it let me know.

The other quick fix is a paper bag.
