View Full Version : Anyone itchy on cit?

06-02-10, 19:42
I seem to have much more itchy skin since starting on cit 20mg three wks ago. But unsure if it's the meds or something else (no idea what though?)
Am I alone?

When we had a cat I used to get bad itchiness, but that went away when the cat died.

This is on my chest/feet/tummy and not in some of the other places it can happen :blush:

Any ideas - benadryl cream doesn't seem to do much?
Vaseline moisturiser does help a little I think.


06-02-10, 20:05
I seem to have much more itchy skin since starting on cit 20mg three wks ago. But unsure if it's the meds or something else (no idea what though?)
Am I alone?

When we had a cat I used to get bad itchiness, but that went away when the cat died.

This is on my chest/feet/tummy and not in some of the other places it can happen :blush:

Any ideas - benadryl cream doesn't seem to do much?
Vaseline moisturiser does help a little I think.


HI Martin,

Maybe you could go do your GP to find out what it is, it could be that you have an allergy. Do you have a rash? plus there is the Chicken pox going around. best to get check at the GP, then you will know for sure what it is.

Have you tryed vinigar, this stings a little though helps to take the itch out of the itchness. helps calm it down.


06-02-10, 20:07
I don't get itchy on cit, but I get itchy when I'm nervous or I need to sit still, like in a meeting or in the cinema.

06-02-10, 20:23
It can be a side effect to start with but it does usually go .Try some Lanacane cream or Sudocrem .It will help .Try not to scratch as it will get worse ..All the best Sue x