View Full Version : Advise please?????

06-02-10, 21:21
Hello i am bernardo 38 from canada i am very worried because i have been over 18 days taking citalopram or celexa 40 mg daily and i haven't feel any change in my condition i am taking it for anxiety and some deprecion also i would like to ask if some one knows is this medication helps for fear, i feel fear all the time and i am very concern about it ,and i dont know if the medication is going to take it away, does any one can tell me about this drug please????:weep::weep:

06-02-10, 22:14
Hi mate, it takes longer than that to work, but if in another couple of weeks you still feel no benefit I would definitely ask your doctor about increasing the dose. Good luck and don't worry, even if citalopram does not help you, there are plenty of medications that will. :)

06-02-10, 22:25
Thank you PsychoPoet for your answer , can you tell me which medication is good for my fear??

06-02-10, 23:13
The simple answer is, any medication that works is the right one to deal with your fear :)

Basically there are three things to consider about a medication:

1. Whether that particular medication will benefit you.
Some medication simply won't work for some people, and some medication may produce side effects in some people that cannot be tolerated. If either of these is the case for you, your doctor will prescribe you a new medication to try.

2. Finding the correct dose of that medication.
If your dose is too low, you may notice some benefits but will probably still suffer from anxiety/depression. It may feel like you are getting side effects from the medication yet the anti-anxiety effect does not kick in. If your dose is too high you may notice extreme tiredness, cloudy thinking, lack of emotion etc. When you are on the correct dose you will probably find that you are able to function at a normal or near-normal level, which should give your recovery a large kick-start.

3. Staying on it for long enough to see the benefits.
At present no medication works in a shorter time than a few weeks. This is because of the process through which modern medications actually go to work on the human system. Increasing or reducing a dose may take days or weeks for you to feel the difference. Medications are being researched that work within hours of taking a dose but there has been no news on their progress for several years, which suggests that they won't be ready for a while, but they are coming.

I didn't used to rate citalopram for dealing with anxiety until I went up from 20mg to 30mg. Within a week the benefits were hugely noticeable. Also, I do believe it is possible to fully recover from anxiety and depression.

06-02-10, 23:15
You mean anxiety? Medications like citalopram can take a long time to work for anxiety - longer than for depression in my experience. If you need a medication for severe anxiety then benzodiazapines work much quicker but have addiction risks long-term. You do need to give the citalopram a bit longer though. If after a few weeks you feel the same then you should see your doctor and discuss increasing or alternative meds.

06-02-10, 23:22
Thank you melancholia:)

06-02-10, 23:22
My personal opinion is not medication it is CBT and therapy that way

06-02-10, 23:24
Thank you PsychoPoet:yesyes:

06-02-10, 23:53
In most cases I'd agree with Nic, I would only recommend medication to someone who is really suffering or who cannot live a normal life due to their condition. If that is the case I would not hesitate at all to talk about taking antidepressants. If I'd started taking antidepressants just two weeks earlier it could have made a difference; those two weeks were all it took for me to slide into hell.

If someone's condition is worsening, that's also the time to look towards medication. Depression cannot be allowed to worsen. Once it gets its claws into you, it can be very difficult to beat, and if it is severe it can take you to a place no-one should go.

07-02-10, 00:09
I agree with Poet: some people are so severely depressed/anxious that you just couldn't get them to start any sort of CBT, counselling etc. And even if they did they probably wouldn't continue with it. So it depends on the severity of your condition. If it is mild/moderate and the person has the motivation to want to get better then I think talking therapy should be the first port of call.

I'm not saying that meds are the answer but just part of it.

07-02-10, 00:15
I have suffer anxiety since i was a kid this condition has affected my life in such a way that i can not live a normal life,, thats way i want to know is someone taking citalopram can tell me if this medication rally works for my anxiety and fear ????????:shrug:

07-02-10, 00:18
I have suffer anxiety since i was a kid this condition has affected my life in such a way that i can not live a normal life,, thats way i want to know is someone taking citalopram can tell me if this medication really works for my anxiety and fear ????????:shrug:

07-02-10, 00:48
It does work for a lot of people but you have to give it time Torombolo. Be patient a while longer.

I'm on a similar medication called sertraline and it took a few months to help. See your doctor about some extra medication to help till the citalopram works if you feel you can't cope at the moment.

Have patience and you will improve.

08-02-10, 22:43
Thanks melancholia:yesyes:

09-02-10, 03:09
Anyone else can tell me about citalopram???:shrug: