View Full Version : tattoo ideas

06-02-10, 22:12
ive decided that im going to get a new tattoo. something to make me feel better every day when i read it but im not sure what i should write. it needs to be powerful, uplifting and reaffirming. any one got any suggestions?? xxx

06-02-10, 22:13

99% dead inside
06-02-10, 22:23
No more panic

07-02-10, 09:25
feal the fear and do it anyway,


no painn no gain,


i love me as i am, i am unique, i am blessed, i am strong with or with out fear.

or,,,,,,,, lol ,,,,,,,,, panic is just a adrenaline , set of because im extra senseative and caring lovable person

keep us posted to wot u have. i mite do the same. im going to to look though louise hays book, she has things like that in there,, i get back to ya

07-02-10, 23:23
im kinda thinking carpe diem with a white dove

07-02-10, 23:36
or 'Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life’s about creating yourself'

07-02-10, 23:36
Here is a few latin quotes

Aut viam inveniam aut faciam - I will either find a way or make one
De profundis - up from the depths of misery
Fortitudine vincimus - by endurance we conquer
Ad augusta per angusta - to high places by narrow roads
Amat victoria curam - victory favours those who take pains
Haec olim meminisse ivvabit - time heals all things
Ad astra per aspera - to the stars through difficulty

I am thinking of getting 'Qvae nocent docent' - things that hurt teach, tattooed over a scar on my wrist. My husband has his back covered with an angel and with a lovely sky background, underneath he has - Alis volat propiis - She flies with her own wings.

You can find loads of Latin quotes on this site - some of which are very inspirational! http://www.yuni.com/library/latin.html

Good luck xx

07-02-10, 23:57

I don't want to sound like an old foggey here but .. don't get one lol How is that for advise..? Yeah tattos are kool and everything. I know people that have them all over
their bodies and I have even been tempted to get one and Im an artist..There isn't a piece of art in the world including mine that I want on my body.

Yes its great while you are young and sexy .. but when you get 70 do you really want
to look at that sagging piece of skin with ink faded in it and splotchy ? ugh.. Don't get me wrong they are very attractive in some places and especially on young people but
its not like something you can wash off and as the skin ages ugh...... Think long and hard about it.My three daughters have several tattos each but I can't help but look at them and think one day .one day .. they will be sorry.. Anyway to each their own and good luck on finding the right one if you are just set on doing it..Take care. Michael

08-02-10, 00:06
compos mentis in control of the mind