View Full Version : just recently got diagnosed, would like some information.

06-02-10, 22:22
hey! i recently got diagnosed with stress related anxiety. it was due to me worrying about having serious problems (that dont really exist) started off just one day i got really light headed cause i had been worrying about an illness my friend was tellin me about (dont even know why) then i was almost passing out cause i was worrying more the worse my light head got! then getting really hot on the face (which i thought was a fever) i also get sore heads nearly everyday for short periods of time, also feel tense and uncomfortable around my chest and shoulders occasionally and what feel like stomach pains for extremly short amount of time! my doctor put me on a beta blocker and the light heads stopped. but i still have panic attacks due to over worrying that its not anxiety. just really posting hoping that people with a good knowledge of anxiety can reasure me that these are all anxiety symptons so i can get over it and work on getting the other symptoms away! would trying to stop smoking help? or would the struggle make me worse? anyone got a personal experience with this? thanks for any replys!:yesyes:

06-02-10, 22:55
Well I don't know about 'stress related' anxiety, but the symptons you describe sound like parts of what makes a panic attack. It is very common for people that get panic attacks to worry that it's something else (physical), or that they're loosing it, but a doctor's opinion would be best. No, they really do sound like panic attacks, do you get these in a certain situation, or do they happen randomly?
I smoke and I know that when I smoke more than I usually do I get sharp pains through my chest/front. Only happens when I've been smoking alot more. Welcome to NMP btw.:)
ps. yeh i get panic attacks from time to time, in certain situations. I would get those things, minus the stomach pain, but also fast heart rate, sweating, shaking n stuff. If your calm when you get em then perhaps it aint panic attack.

07-02-10, 00:10
Hi Myles, and welcome :)

It is always best to consult your GP when you have health concerns, but yes I agree they do all sound like symptoms of panic and anxiety.

As for smoking....well I smoke so I'm not the best person to advise you! In the short term then I would guess your anxiety might rise a little but long term it would of course benefit your health and probably also anxiety. Nicotine is a stimulant and so it can make you more jumpy and anxious, a bit like caffeine. Many people find cutting out caffeine helps, although personally I've never tried :D

Panic symptoms feel horrible but they aren't dangerous and learning to live with them and not run from them is really important. Once you learn to just allow it to happen and not be afraid they will stop happening.

Good luck

08-02-10, 01:35
hey :) very much like me. except i don't know what caused mine i.e stress

but just to let you know i got very worried about serious problems i didn't have
it ended up me not being able to go to the cinema, go on trains, even eat out with my friends.

my main issue was the feeling of not being able to swallow and feel shortness of breath. if this happens try doing a cough then swallow also the rescue remedy from holland and barrats is a godsend! (in the u.k mine is)

only just tonight ive had the dizziness symptom just realised how worrying it is, as you seem to have had this one the most do you have any tricks or tips on settling it?

08-02-10, 02:00
Anxiety is mostly your issue.. the smoking hmmm I wouldn't give it up just yet could cause your anxiety to get worse.. Hmmm beta blockers stopping the light headiness?
Thats good because mine makes my dizziness and light headiness to get worse at times or then again that could be my anxiety ..

JoeLove.. I have been getting a hard to swallow choking feeling lately too and also hard to breathe...I don't have no rescue rememdy but I do eat a piece of peppermint that sometimes helps. ..

08-02-10, 10:49
a peice of peppermint :yesyes: simplez! lol although i bet id feel like i was going to choke on it and panic more :roflmao:

08-02-10, 11:03
Hi Myles and a big fat welcome to NMP!:welcome:
I'm sure that like me and my other half, you will find all the help, advice and support you need at no more panic!!
NMP is not just a forum, If you look to the right hand side of this page you will find an index of problems/issues, health worries, phobia's, issues etc..you will find pretty much all you need on here. In reality, its down to you to fight your anxiety using self help techniques and getting all the background knowledge but at the same time, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!
Good luck with this battle....YOU WILL COME OUT THE OTHER END!!!

08-02-10, 11:36
Hi Myles,

Stopping smoking will help, yes. As DS correctly says nicotine is actually situmulant, as is caffeine so if you can cut that out too it should help.

Probably best not to do both at once though!