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View Full Version : Probably just a virus but...

06-02-10, 23:16
In the middle of the week before last I started to feel a bit under the weather (just general malaise and an urge to lie down all the time/sleep) and ended up in bed until Sunday, but weirdly I had no real symptoms except a low grade fever of around 37.5 and an extremely mild sore throat. I stayed in bed until Sunday when I started to feel a bit better in myself (no longer a need to be horizontal), but my throat suddenly got a lot worse - extremely sore and dry, and painkillers didn't help. I went to the doctor who said my glands were up but that it was probably just a virus which would take until the weekend to go away. Yesterday my throat suddenly got a lot better - the pain has gone, although it's still a bit dry and I've been very thirsty today. However, my fever is persisting. It's usually normal in the mornings but it's been fluctuating in the afternoon/evenings between around 37.2 and 37.7. Now I'm worrying that there's another cause because I don't remember having a fever that's lasted this long before (it's been 11 days). I STUPIDLY googled "persistent low grade fever" this evening which returned causes such as leukaemia, and now I'm really worried! I found a huge bruise on the back of my leg the other day too, and I can't work out where it came from. :sad:

Even as I type this I know I'm being totally irrational... and I'm so annoyed with myself because my HA has been dormant for quite a while until now! I'm starting a new job this week and I'm rather worried about that, so maybe that's why. :sad:

06-02-10, 23:21
The temperature isn't that bad to be honest.

Stop googlimg for a start.

You probably have a virus that is all.

You have seen doc and he has reassured you so you will be fine

06-02-10, 23:35

I have been feeling how your feeling since 2nd Jan! Every couple of days i would start to feel better and then i would start to feel yuk again - not poorly poorly but just not my normal self.

My GP seemed to think its a viral thing and has seen many patients with the same symptoms that seems to drag on.

Tonight my temp went up slightly and i felt 'wobbly' on my feet - started to feel more tense after that happened which no doubt hasn't help the anxiety that has been with me since this virus has been hanging around.

I don't feel poorly enough to go and see my GP again, but like you i will be glad to get back to normal - if i ever was lol!

Hope you feel better soon:)


06-02-10, 23:41
Sounds like you're feeling very run-down to me. It's probably a combination of your anxiety about your new job, existing HA and perhaps a mild infection. As for leukaemia, well I think there'd be a whole set of other symptoms associated with that - not just random things like "low grade fever".

Try to find ways to relax your body and mind; keep busy with planning positive things for your future and avoid Googling!

07-02-10, 00:14
Yes, I had a similar thing to this, had a virus in mid December which came on suddenly as shaking and nausea, followed by a fever, followed by feeling weak, wiped out and tired. The fever came back over the next couple of weeks mildly and I felt tired all the time but my head hurt and my IBS was really bad so I couldn't sleep. I saw my GP and she said she'd seen a lot of people with similar viruses that were making them feel very miserable.

Look after yourself. Get a reasonable amount of sleep but also try to get outside and do some gentle exercise. Eat healthily and drink plenty of water and you should gradually improve. As has been said above, you'd be sure to have more symptoms if it was something serious.