View Full Version : anxiety and stress

07-02-10, 03:54
Hi all just joined this is a wonderful place to come. Just to fill people on my interesting life, I started to have panic attacks, and anxiety attacks back in high school, they got so bad I could not stay in classes I had to go home and hide in fear. Finally it got so bad that I became house bound. It so bad that my body was always out of control, could not breath, I felt like my life was over. But over the years I had a wonderful person in my life that stood by me and the attacks slowly went away, and I started going out in fear, to the outside world. I could not go out of town, because I could not breath, my attacks were so bad, I eyesight went, my hearing got stronger, legs and hands went humb, heart pounded, It has been almost 20 years, I am now 40. I am now a pastor and I use what things I went through to help other people who are not going through the same thing. The biggest things I tell people is that if you feel you are having a heart attack, go to the doctor and have a ekg, the anxiety will not register on the ekg, and the anxity will go and come, but over time you learn different tactics to help you deal with them. and they become less and less, because if you break down the word fear it is False Evidence Appearing Real. would love to talk to other people because there are some things I do not have an answer for.


07-02-10, 03:58
Hi panic88

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

07-02-10, 13:08
Hello Panic

Glad you found the site and you seem to be doing so much better.

Welcome to NMP