View Full Version : Nervous Breakdown?

07-02-10, 11:48
Hi, I have posted on here a few time over the past month as things have been pretty bad for me with anxiety and panic, started beginning of last November. I have been seen now by the community mental health team sho have told me in old fashoined terms, I have had a nervous breakdown. I have gone from a fun loving mother of 2 and trainee teacher, to a jibbering wreck incapable of most things.
I would like to hear from anyone else who has been though a breakdown and hear your stories. Many thanks x

07-02-10, 12:17
Hi Zowie

You're right about the term 'Nervous Breakdown' being a bit old fashioned, it's not used much anymore...I don't think it was ever a real medical term. I really like the term though, it reflects the fact that anx/depression can have very physical symptoms that project through the nervous system. In my opinion a 'Nervous Breakdown' means your mental health has deteriorated to the extent that day to day living becomes moderately to seriously impared; it doesn't mean you've collapsed and been hauled of by the men in white coats.

In my opinion most people who visit this site have experienced a breakdown, and probably more than once. I'd say i've had about 6 in my life. These were times when anx/depression got so bad that i stopped eating and sleeping. Once this happens it doesn't take long to 'breakdown'. People recover from this all the time...remember your body wants to heal. Calm, not panic is the body's prefered setting. You too will recover.

Sending Love and Hugs

07-02-10, 14:59
I have been taken back to my parents house to recover from a rather public "mental breakdown"

I am nowhere near better and am struggling t do anything on my own without being harrassed by someone else and all i want to do is batter them for harrassing me !

I guess i just wanted you to know that your on your own. You can pm me if u need to talk but its like everythin else i guess we will get there.

Just got to keep fighting

Munkey x

Veronica H
07-02-10, 16:02
Hi Zowie
Nervous breakdown sounds very dramatic does't it? Even the great dr Weekes prefered the term 'nervous illness' and that was 50yrs ago. Her Book,SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9 is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;

