View Full Version : gallbladder!!!!!

07-02-10, 12:31
ive been told by my gp i ave to ave my gallbladder
removed im absolutly petrified,
ive had a scan on my abdomen and i ave gallstones
in my gallbladder my gp said its best to ave it completely removed,
iam so so scared ive never been put to sleep
ive had an emergency c-section but i was awake
ive explained my fears to my gp and he said
its nothin to worry about u will be fine!
but im so so so scared i go to see my surgeon
on the 1st of march xxxx

07-02-10, 13:06
No one is more nervous than I am,and I had mine removed by keyhole surgery last April. It was well worth it after all the years of pain and not knowing what was wrong.It got to the stage I was having attacks almost every week and was worried I would end up at A and E After a scan showed up the stones,I was put on the list for the surgery . The operation went well,only 3 small scars,2 on the upper abdomen and one lower. The biggest opening was in the navel,and this has healed up very well You can't even see a thing now. Don't be afraid,as the alternatives to having it removed are not pleasant.You are only in hospital overnight,have to take things easy for about a week,but after that you will be fine. Sticking to a fat free diet before your op will also prevent any further attacks while you are waiting on your op.Good Luck


07-02-10, 13:49

I am having a scan for gallstones soon too, and I have the same fears as you regarding general anasthetic.

You will be fine, honestly, you will be in safe hands. Just think how well you will feel once it is all over.

Take care and good luck xxxx

08-02-10, 13:28
thank you both for ur replies
i ave been on a fat free diet since the last pain attack
and avnt had 1 since,
i hope i get a surgeon who is understandin, my gp said they will
try with keyhole surgery 1st
but he thinks he may have to open my belly properly
as the stones are all gathered on 1 side
and silly me has looked up gallbladder removal on the internet
(tutt tutt i no)
and they all say MOST people can live without their gallbladder
what if im not MOST people???? xxxxx

08-02-10, 14:04
Oh hun try not to worry.

Can I ask what symptoms you had?

08-02-10, 14:14
I am also getting my gallbladder removed in March, I have one large gallstone and they say it could be why i have so much pain and reflux all the time. I am scared to death of anesthesia also!!

08-02-10, 14:22
hya jessicalil
ive had pain in my upper abdomen all across the top at to the right
which went throu to my back ive had this before and put it down to
my ibs or possible trapped wind!!
but the last pain i got was so bad i couldnt even take a deep breath
it was like someone was kneelin on my tummy
i was so freightened i took myself to a&e at 5.30 in the mornin
which was a huge step for me,
the pain lasted about 5 hours and then came back again in the afternoon
and lasted again for 4 hours and took myself again to a&e and they
said it looks like gallbladder u ave to go throu ur gp theres nothin we can do xxx

08-02-10, 16:14
Hi. Just to reassure you my Dad had it done and he said the worry was worse than the op. He was 68 (10 years ago) when he had his done and he suffers acute depression and has MANY health anxieties. Think of all the special attention you will get while you recover! It got to be done though you know itr has, then you won't suffer anymore matey. xx

08-02-10, 17:36
I had my gallbladder removed a few years ago,you will be fine!you will feel so much better once you have had the operation!

09-02-10, 03:29
I had mine out 3 years ago. I wasn't scared of the anesthesia because I had another operation before and was out cold. The only thing that bothered me a little was afterwards at home, getting up from bed hurt but you won't care, it's over by then and it's just a crampy feeling. It was far easier than I anticipated, also had the 3 little holes. Just don't eat fatty foods for a good while or you may get diarrhea. They will tell you all of this.

09-02-10, 10:05
thank you, smudger, pink17, lauren6 & every1 else
ur replies ave put me at ease a little
its always nice to know that others ave been throu the same
thing, ive decided not to let it stress me too much til
after ive seen the surgeon
thank you all once again very much appriciated xxxxx

09-02-10, 11:24
I am sure there are other options, you dont always require surgery, but im sure your consultant will choose the best treatment for you.