View Full Version : Fears again

31-12-05, 10:04
Hi all, as you know, i have been doing really well lately, off to do Reiki 3 in February, made lots of new friends etc. So things have been going good. Now Im back on no more panic, Ive realised just how much ive missed it, so (Im back). Although, I have been very stressed lately, dog needing brain scan, as he keeps fitting (hes nearly a year old). Son knocking his adult front tooth out (While sleep walking). We went away for christmas, I was very stressed and had my health anxiety back before we went. Problems with ex husband since October and solicitors etc. Babies not been sleeping, so neither have I. We stayed in a caravan for 10 days, with the heating on full, over christmas. There was my husband, myself and 5 children. I had a nosebleed yesterday which i have never had before, this has really knocked me back, I have never had one before. I have been itching alot in my private parts. Went to toilet yesterday and there was blood on tissue Sorry people). Spoken to doc about this before. My eyes are all gritty, blurry and tired. Now im totally freaked, after all these months and I think it all has to be tied in together, to something really sinister. For example my cancer fear, as I made one big mistake, I looked on the internet (Sorry Meg :) ) I am really confused at the moment and need some advice please as I really dont want to sink back down again. Surely all these things have to be one thing, they cant all be seperate issues of high stress, can they?

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

31-12-05, 11:12
If i had spent 10 days in a caravan with my husband and children over christmas i would have been sectioned under the mental health act by now. You have done really well and this is just a blip on the horizon, you do know only too well the power of stress over the body, the mind rules, and particularly if like you and me if its health anxiety that we suffer from. Im sorry that i cant give you the advice that Meg and Nicola and the others will be able to give you as i am still suffering and have yet to find a way to slay my dragon but i can tell you what you already know.
1.. never ever google unless its to find out the capital of some exotic country
2.. Stress reaches and plays havoc with every system in the body so it is likely that all your symptoms are stress induced, not induced by some life threatening disease which dont tend to present in the manner which people think.
3.. You are simply a woman who has had a stressful time recently and needs to go back to practice all those stress relieving tips that helped get you well in first place, maybe a good idea to reread some of introduction to this website.
well done in holding it together and improving your quality of life i am sure it wont be long until you are feeling better again,believe me i am only too aware of how you are feeling right now.
sorry i cant be of any more help

I just want my life back

31-12-05, 11:44
Blimey you have been really busy so no wonder things are stressful. GIve yourself a break and don't be too hard on yourself.

All these things can be inidividual aspects of anxiety and becuase you are worried about your health they can all fit into any category.

Looking in the internet is never good. I had a migraine last night and all my syptoms fit that of a mini stroke - sometimes we do ourselvees no favours atrying to categorise symptoms.

You haven't got anything awful - you are just run down and that can make you feel rotten.

I hope things improve soon.


31-12-05, 12:18
Emma wait for Meg to come along about the medical matters.

I remember once seeming to have so many supposed conditions (I did have symptoms of this and that) but then thought I can't possibly have them all that's ridiculous[Oops!]

I am not surprised you are stressed from reading your post.

I keep saying this at the moment (cos my anxiety levels are up too) we all need to slow down a little and remember to look after ourselves too!!

Try if you can to make time for some TLC just for you:)

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-12-05, 13:34

Firstly the eyes and loo blood and nose bleed may all be due to being dehydrated as a result of a potentially stuffy, centrally heated caravan and being in a confined space.

You need to drink lots and lots of un alcoholic fluids for the next couple of days and get your internal balance back along side plenty of exercise .

Let us know how you get on and you can reassess as time goes by.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

31-12-05, 13:50
Meg it is so good to hear ur advice again. I havent drunk much water at all, since being away. Ive had a few breezers and lemonade and thats about it. Oh and cups of tea, to be honest, ive had hardly any fluids at all. Food has been terrible aswell. Just goes toshow, i didnt think of that, or even realise. Im still scared and worried, but will try and focus again.

Thanks all. I would be interested, even if im PM 'd to know if anyone has/had these symptoms in stress?

Im so glad to be back.

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

31-12-05, 13:55
My ££'s are on that then.

Oh and mind the sugar !!

Water - not tea ! You may have squashes.

Love Meg xxx

31-12-05, 13:57
Thank you so much Meg. Can you tellme how you know all the medical stuff. Its such a comfort to know your there xx

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.