View Full Version : Very bad day today!

07-02-10, 20:31
Hi everyone,

Im new to the forums on NMP. Just need some help please.

My mum has had cancer twice and this causes me to have terrible health anxiety about her becoming ill again, im currently taking Citalopram and have been for about 1 year now.

Today I have had a really horrible day, my mum has had a cough & cold since like November that she just doesnt seem to be able to shake off properly so of course iv managed to convince myself that she has lung cancer or pneumonia. She has been quite stressed with my sister for the past few weeks and this morning she said she just doesnt feel well she just seems so low and tired all the time.

Iv spent most of today moping around, crying and snapping at my boyfriend please help me....

Lorn x


Veronica H
07-02-10, 21:03
:welcome:to NMP Lorn. You will find comfort and support here.


07-02-10, 22:02
Hello Lorn,

Welcome to nmp.
Of course I can understand why you're worried about your mum. But I also know lots of people who have had coughs and colds for ages who can't shift them!! Maybe your mum needs an antibiotic. And if she's coughing all the time it's probably affecting her sleep and that's why she's tired. She sounds like a fighter!! My friend has had cancer twice and she's also a fighter. She is now keeping well. Why don't you encourage your mum to go to her gp - it would also put your mind at rest to. I feel for you and know where you are coming from about worrying, but there is as much chance that it could be something simple that the doctor can treat. You've done the right thing joining here. You'll get lots of comfort from reading other people's posts which will make you feel that you are not alone.

07-02-10, 22:08
I agree, it could be something as simple as a chest cold that she can't get rid of and visiting the doctor would put both your minds at rest.

We always assume the worst when we suffer with anxiety but it's not usually as bad as we think.

Welcome to NMP