View Full Version : help!!!

08-02-10, 05:45
hi there im new just found this site while looking up propananol side effects, i feel like im going mad can any 1 please give me some advice? im 35 and suffered with panic attacks for many years i was on paroxatine for 8 years my doctor decided to stop them as they were putting weight on me i came off them for a few weeks then found i needed something else so i was prescribed amiltripiline they worked for 7 weeks until i got a severe migraine so was taken off them and given propanol 80mg slow release tablets, ive been on them 7 days and ive came out in red hot spots on my arms and head, and keep waking up every hour when i go to bed i fall asleep quite easy but suddenly jump up feeling panicky and not able to breath im having awful dreams aswell can any1 relate to this its now 5.38am and had no sleep :weep: thanks c x

09-02-10, 12:54
Hi Claire,

I hope you're feeling better now. I'm not on as a hogh dose as you but I can only say that they do make it hard for me to sleep if I take them before I go to bed. Perhaps you should see your GP again to check on the side effects. I get panicky sometimes in the early hours. My demons seem to be most active then. I think it's actually just low blood sugar, but it's a struggle at the time. I read something the other day basically saying if you get scary thoughts in the early hours just say to yourself, 'these thoughts are b*llocks!'. It does actually work for me. Also you could try relaxation exercises at the time.