View Full Version : Stay in work or go on the sick?

08-02-10, 11:27
I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice for me.

I'm a chronic insomniac and sleep so little that I feel physically ill ALL of the time. I took two months off before Christmas on the long-term sick but it took ages for my benefits to come through and I was so stressed about money (my estate agents phoned me everyday and told me they were refusing to wait for my housing benefit and I had to pay them NOW even though I literally had no money). By the time I went back to work I had had no time to rest. Everything became so difficult and I just felt like crying all the time. I cut my sick leave short to go back to work so that I could make some money.

My sleep had started to right itself when I was off but within a month of being back at work I lost it again. I'm now sitting at home, about to go in for the afternoon after calling in sick for the morning but promising I'd come in at some point. I've barely slept all week and my boss had to take me to hospital on Thursday because I just started falling apart (stopped being able to speak properly and just couldn't function at all). I want some time off to allow my body to rest properly but I'm terrified that if I do that I won't be able to get another job. (I'm a contractor so I couldn't go back to my current workplace). I also just feel like I've failed. Everybody else can do this so why can't I?!

My MAm has lent me money so that I could live for a month without a wage and I could also get benefits to keep me afloat. But I just don't know whether to take the plunge. I feel guilty about the idea of not working.

What would everybody else do?

08-02-10, 20:56
As a starting point, certainly go and see your GP. I know all too well how a lack of sleep can become a real problem and start interfering with everyday life. The key is to try and break the cycle and often a short course of sleeping tablets (Temazepam) can help to get you back into a routine. There are also self help CD's/books out there that can help too. Paul McKenna does a good one called 'I can make you sleep' and it's available for a very reasonable price on Amazon.

Try and get to see your doctor, asap and let us know how you get on. Good luck! :)

08-02-10, 21:03
It sounds like you need some "time out". I went through a very stressful time getting my benefits sorted out as I couldn't work. Once it's done it's done. Take the next few weeks to get to the docs, chill and think what you want to do long term. You haven't failed - so get that out your head!
Let us know how you are getin on!
Emma x

08-02-10, 21:30
Hope you can sort your sleep out soon, im having prob with sleep and it does knock you about, dont have any solutions yet, trying herbal, im not so bad cus not working yet, not easy when you gotta work,
wish you well and take care