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31-12-05, 20:40
hi im quite new here i have been suffering terrible anxiety for a while now .the last 2 months i have not eaten proparly and lost a bit of weight but im really worried about my bowels i have had very loose bowels for 1 month and sometimes constipated the other night i woke with terrible cramps and had to run to the toilet.my doc says ibs and did routine bloods wich were normal do you think that means it is nothing more serious .i am really scared its cancer .hope someone can help

marcia lowe

31-12-05, 20:57
Hi Marcia,

welcome to the forum, I am sorry that you are feeling anxious and worrying about bowel cancer. IBS is how it sounds with fluctuating between being loose and constipated. Anxiety can trigger loose bowels to most people but if you have IBS i think it can be worse.

Poor diet may not help and you may find that you are more sensitive to some foods than others. Are you taking any medication?

Have you received any information about IBS from your GP.

Hope that you feel better soon.

All the best

31-12-05, 21:01
Marcia - I had this for a good month back in Feb just as you describe it, I was quite scared I can tell you. Then slowly it started to subside. It has made me a lot more understanding of IBS sufferers now!!

Try not to worry and just eat as healthily as you can - I am sure you will get some good replies on what helps with IBS.

I know someone did a post on the benefits of pure Aloe Juice that you can buy from the health food shop.

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-12-05, 21:02
thanks louisa for advice no im not on any meds my stomach is constantly churning becuase of my health anxietys wish it would get better xx

marcia lowe

31-12-05, 21:04
I am sorry you're feeling bad and scared but I don't think you need to be. I think you are too caught up on thinking something is wrong that it makes your system screw up. It could be any meds you're on too. Read up on the side effects on them. Try not to worry yourself sick and relax and I think things will ease up for you. Good Luck

"One Oneness One"

31-12-05, 21:04
thanks piglet i appreciate your advice will try aloe thank you xx

marcia lowe

31-12-05, 23:18
Hi Molly, and yes bowel problems are a big issue with me too up until last year I had it really really bad often lost count of how many times I went to the toilet, and like u had to run at times/ I had lots of tests, Blood, X-rays, barium enema and a sygmodoscopy and was so relieved they only found I had IBS. But once I knew I must have stopped worrying about is cos it got much better. I lost lots of weight to but now seem to be putting to much on, that’s just how anxiety gets you the more you ignore physical symptoms the better it gets. Take care. Vernon

01-01-06, 15:09
Hi molly

You could be lactose intolerant, which means most milk products would cause painful symptoms. I have that condition and its very common.
Maybe you could have a food allergy test to find out?
Its true that anxiety too affects your bowels.


*** Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. ***

01-01-06, 15:51
Hi Marcia

I had diarrhoea once for many months on end and the doctor just said it was part of the anxiety etc.

I think diet can help so try to avoid too much fruit and eat more fibre etc.

If you have IBS we have a page about it on the website at Irritable Bowel Syndrome (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=ibs)

Hope that helps as well.


01-05-08, 21:44
hi molly,
i have diarrhooea when i get bad panic attacks, but i also have ibs which starts a few days after my panic attack, my bowl was irritated that i had anxiety lol
dont worry