View Full Version : Numb/tingling face~~PLEASE HELP~~

08-02-10, 14:33
About two weeks ago, I got a weird pain in my neck and then my face felt like it was numb on the left side right along my hair line. After that I didn't feel it again until 2 days ago and now both cheeks and the left side of my face keep feeling numbish, but i can feel when i touch it. It's almost like someone is stretching my skin or a tingly/numb feeling but not numb, its hard to explain, also feels like my eyes are hanging but they aren't. When I look in the mirror, my face looks fine, the other thing that has been happening is my face feels really hot at times. I am also due for my menstrual at the end of the week...can anyone help me and let me know if i should be worried? I keep thinking I have Bell's Palsy or TIA, etc...please someone!

08-02-10, 14:46
hi momof3boys
ive had what ur describin too me i used to say
it felt like i had been sweatin and it had dried its really weird,
are u more stressfull and panicky this week?
maybe like u said ur anx is high because of ur period is due?
try relaxin too take ur mind of it
take care hun xxx

08-02-10, 15:18
hey, i've had this too! exactley as you describe it, i done research on the net thinking i had bells palsey but that made me worse. cheeks feel numb, yet i can feel them and even tried poking with a pin to make sure i could feel them, and i could. i can't explain it either.
also i get the intense heat on my face, yet i take my temp and its normal.
is it just another sympton of anx or something else, no one seems to know. but i really know how you feel. xx

08-02-10, 15:25
do you think its normal for it to move along the whole left side of my face and to the right cheek? it feels like its numb and being stretched right down the side of my face near my hair....driving me crazy...it comes and goes

08-02-10, 16:26
also along with this i keep getting fullness/stuffiness in my ears like i can't hear that great and then it goes away and my left wrist and forearm have been getting the tingly numb feeling like my face, except its also getting like a burning feeling too...

08-02-10, 22:40
what i forgot to mention was that i suffer from TMJ, and the fullness in the ear is a very common symptom of this condition. do you have pain in jaw at all?

09-02-10, 01:16
i do have pain in jaw, most of the time it hurts under where the lymph nodes are...

09-02-10, 09:56
it could be possible that you may have TMJ, it gives off alot of symptoms, ear ache, cheek pain, toothache, numbness in the face, pain around the eyes and temple. its mainly caused by stress, where you may clench or grind your teeth without knowing it. i find that a hot water bottle wrapped in a pillow case helps, or a warm bath to let the water go over your face. if you do have this theres not alot you can do, eat soft food, to give your jaw a chance to heal, but its best to see your doctor first to see if they can confirm it for you.
but apart from that i think like me alot of the stuff going on is just another way of our body dealing with anxiety. crap i know, but we just have to try and control it. easier said then done i know cos i really feel for you, and its horrible when you start to feel strange and the not knowing makes us worse.
gives me a yell if you wanna chat more hun. xx

09-02-10, 13:57
I woke up this morning with the same feelings and now my neck hurts and i have a slight headache with it. Also my top lip has a burning sensation like it was scratched and something is irritating it but there is nothing there...this has actually happened in the past too...can tmj bother you without your jaw locking up? it doesn't hurt to chew neither. I am wondering if sinuses could cause the facial problems...I am stuffed up and dried out every morning...

09-02-10, 22:34
neck pain is a associated with TMJ, but so is stress.the burning lip thing is common with stress too, me and my mum get this all the time, more so my mum cos she has a very stressful job. i know it can be a pain cos you look to see if anything is there but theres not, yet its quite an intense feeling. I've had TMJ for nearly 2yrs, and my jaw has only locked once in that time. i was laying down and when i slowly got up it clicked back into place. chewing is not always a pain for some people, i diddn't get pain from chewing but i can't eat anthing chewy now tho cos it sets my jaw off. i still get fullness in the ear, headaches, pain in the jaw joint and along the jaw line, throbbing sensation in the side of my face as with the numbness cos it can effect your nerves.
with your sinuses, yes this is the more common reason for facial pain, pain in cheeks, eye pain, and pressure around the eye.nose pain. the best thing for this is to steam inhale, with the ol' head over the bowl thing, or even run the bath with the door closed so that the steam clears your sinuses.
im no doctor but my mum used to be a nurse, and whenever i went to her for a health problem she always knew what was wrong, typical mother, always bloody right! lol.
i think once you calm down abit you may notice a difference, i do. when i get to go away for the week end with my boyfriend, all my issues seem to go away, cos i got no kids around me, no bills to worry about. we all need a time out sometimes just so that our bodies can repair their selfs. xx

10-02-10, 17:04
Thank you for all your encouragement, it means alot to have someone understand! Today I woke up with a burning feeling and itching in my face and cheeks and arm and also pins and needles in both hands....do you think all that is stress related also? I am hoping all of this is due to me getting my period soon...hopefullly just an overly anxious month! Drives me crazy worrying myself!

10-02-10, 21:26
do you think its normal for it to move along the whole left side of my face and to the right cheek? it feels like its numb and being stretched right down the side of my face near my hair....driving me crazy...it comes and goes

Hi there, i get all you have mentioned? I dont have any answers sorry but i do have the same syptoms as you if that helps. I get the numbness around my eyes a lot and the left side of my body? Plus i also get the crawling sensation on my face and some times my hand feel like is a little wet even though is isnt? Hope i have made u feel a bit better by knowing ur not alone. xxxx

10-02-10, 23:34
Thank you so much for reponding, it does make me feel better knowing that I am not alone...how long have you had it happening to you for? And has it gone on for days on and off?

11-02-10, 11:26
Hiya, i have had it on and off since a week before xmas. I did get the crawling sensation on my face first at a really stressful time and just put it down to stress but 2 days later (it cleared up 10 mins after it came) i stupidly googled the syptom and came up with ms!!!!! So since then ive have the numbness aroiund my eyes that come and go, numb sensation down the edge of the left side of my body, buzzing feeling in my legs, burning on the skin (burning on the skin i have had on and off for years) tingling and wekness in my arms and legs although they are not week. I have these a lot worse when im anxious of im obsessively thinking about them, when i dont think about them (which is prob about 10 mins each day) I dont have them?

I do know that thinking about the burning thing makes it so much worse so try not to (easier said them done i know) I am booked in for and mri on the 8th of march so am petrified at the mo. Sorry if im not making you feel better but im wanna be honest with you. My heath fear at the moment is ms so i have all ms symptoms (or so i believe) Lots of other members have these problems aswell. The crawling sensation may be a jaw thing as i noticed after i eat a hard sweet i start to get the sensation?

Im sure its nothing to worry about but having anxiety wont let us believe that!!

Hope i have helped you hun.

Carli xxxxxxxx

11-02-10, 11:41
no problem hun, i know what its like to get these feelings and sometimes you think your going mad cos its like " what now?" its very fraustrating. the crawling sensation i get too, that is a common anxiety thing, i think my hair is falling on my face but i got short hair so i rule that out. i get itching too, sometimes on my face but mainly on my legs, i can itch so hard sometimes i wake up in the morning thinking did my cat attack me in the night or something? lol. for that i just take a anti histimine tablet and that really helps stop the itching. my main cause of stress at the moment is my tooth, it needs to come out and the waiting list is so long, so i have to put up with the pain and it makes you very low, but im trying to plod along and tell myself all will be good once that damn tooth is out.
keep your chin up babe, your not alone, and like i said if you want to chat just gives a yell on here. xx

11-02-10, 11:43
oh, and i do find my anxiety does get more intense when im due my period, must be the hormones. oh to be a woman! fellas have it so easy lol:) take care. x

11-02-10, 11:53
hi, i have been having tingling in face,head and legs for quiet a few years now it is bloody awful.I wake up with it usually daily,as soon as I take my Lexotan it will ease off,but comes back again after awhile.I am going to see a specialist to be tested for MS only because of how long I have it,I also have numbness in my back.IT is mostly when i am stressed,which seems to be all the time.Take Care x

11-02-10, 14:28
Thanks everyone for reassuring me...I have had many tests, all which were last year, I had mri and catscan of head, mri of heart and lungs, mri of spine and neck, many ekgs, echocardiogram, stress test, ultrasound of pelvis/abdomen, lots of bloodwork, and two ultrasounds on left leg...they were all normal, except arthritis and bone spurs in back and neck...I am just wondering what the chances are of something changing in a years time? Last night and today I have had my eyebrow and under my eye feeling strange, kinda like they are swollen and numb but they aren't...that familiar too? The other thing that has been worrying me is since last Friday, I have been totally exhausted, to the point that I get lightheaded and feel like if I don't lay down I will fall and pass out, then when I finally go to bed at night, I am out as soon as I lie down, then when I get up, I feel like I haven't even slept, I don't understand it, I am the type to stay up very late and get up early and feel ok with that and I feel like a zombie...

12-02-10, 12:48
yep, i get all that too. eyebrow and eyes more so on my right eye then my left. i got so bad that i went to hospital the other night and the doctors checked all behind my eyes, ears, pulse, heart all normal. stress is such a major factor in all thses things, like my doctor told me, its one of those things were you really have to try and focus on something else otherwise your just feeding the anxiety and makes it worse. not that easy to do i know, for people like us who suffer from all types of anxiety, be it GAD, Health, or ocd, it's very hard for someone on the outside to understand what we go thru, the slightest change in how we feel can trigger so many worries.
if you have had all those tests done, then im sure your as fit as a fiddle hun. are you eating properly? that can cause tiredness, i feel tired alot, and quite lethargic sometimes, but then somedays i have so much energy im bouncing off the walls! there was a page on the net, that i was reading regarding pain and stress and how the 2 combine, i'll find the link and post it on here, its very interesting reading.
in the meantime babe, try and think positive, maybe if you have time just put on a nice chill out cd or something, make yourself a nice cuppa, ( tea is the best remedy for me but hey im english, what can i say, ;) ) and just close your eyes and relax. its surprising how good you can feel. xx

12-02-10, 13:04

have a read of this, its very interesting. xx

12-02-10, 21:55
HI again, I have a Tens and find it wonderful.I use it on my back and legs.I also have an ultrasound machine the one I have is new in Australia.They are great. Highly recommend.

20-12-17, 01:38
hi, i have been having tingling in face,head and legs for quiet a few years now it is bloody awful.I wake up with it usually daily,as soon as I take my Lexotan it will ease off,but comes back again after awhile.I am going to see a specialist to be tested for MS only because of how long I have it,I also have numbness in my back.IT is mostly when i am stressed,which seems to be all the time.Take Care x

I don’t know if you actively check this thread, but how were your results?

24-03-19, 01:51
I'm going through that now. An almost numb feeling only on the right side of my face, and it even makes it seem like my eye is droopy or just different from my other eye. I find myself checking to make sure I'm not having a stroke. It also involved my ear sometimes if it's really bad. I wish I knew how to stop this. I hate it.

24-03-19, 19:07
Do any of you suffer from cold sores?,the reason im asking is the virus can enter your nerve endings as it did with me and cause a facial neuralga.It can also spread to your scalp.Stress can bring it on,just an idea and hope its something worth thinking about.

24-03-19, 21:34
This is a very old thread that was revived. I would have to assume all is well with the OP since she was on a few days ago.

Positive thoughts

19-04-19, 23:06
I am still going through these symptoms. The right side of my face is the only side, and it also makes my eye feel likes it's droopy or has pressure around it. I tend to get headaches to my right side only, and usually at my temple area. Sometimes I do get the general headache on both sides of my head, which I don't worry too much about because, to me, it feels like a normal headache. But when I start getting sensations only on the right side of my head/face, it immediately triggers a fear of a stroke or aneurysm. I think I've had this on and off since October or November (so about 6 months now). It is truly a very distressing thing to go through. Most of the time I am not very anxious at all when it strikes. I do take Tylenol or Advil, but it has very little benefit in taking away the sensation. I end up having to take my Ativan just so that my fear doesn't start to spiral out of control and into a panic attack. Ah yes...forgot to mention that when it's really bad it also impacts my ear and causes my ear to hurt or feel stuffy, and I will also feel bad neck and shoulder tension. I pray all the time that this sensation just goes away. It is awful! I have already been referred to an opthalmologist who found my eyes to be perfectly normal and didn't suspect anything neurological to be going on. I have an appt with my primary provider and I will leave it up to her to decide if I should have a CT or MRI done. I highly suspect she will not think I need it.

Anxiety is truly debilitating. :nonono: