View Full Version : what is is going on with my heart?

08-02-10, 15:04
i ve had palpitations for a few weeks now. have cut out tea and coffee for 2 weeks now and it seemend to be getting better. I have now noticed that they come on after I have eaten! This morning, I didnt have one palp. and my pulse felt fine until i ate my lunch and BANG, 1/2 hour later, my chest started pounding and felt flutters on my throat. I checked my pulse and its back to square 1 with my pulse all over the place. 2 hours later and it seems to have settled down again. I have noticed this trend for the past few days. What could this be? I have done the bad thing and googled my symptoms and its all doom and gloom!!
I have made an appointmet to see my gp about this, but in the meantime would like to be reassured by other people who have experienced this.

08-02-10, 15:44
I get palps after I've eaten certain things or if I've eaten too much. They settle down after it seems I've digested the food. I try to drink water to help it along, and it does help. I think you're fine. I don't worry about the "after eating palps" anymore.

08-02-10, 15:59
Its very common & i get them terribly too. I have no idea why after eating they flare up, but its true they do.

I think exercising after food may help with digestion & alleviate the palps.
Keep me updated worrier xx

08-02-10, 18:38
I had them for months..I was scared outta my mind! but they wont harm you or your heart...

09-02-10, 09:07
thanks for your replies.

I think im going mad. Had a massive panic attack last night over this palpitation issue and never slept a wink!

I somehow got looking at Angina on the web and decided that is what I have got.

In the past I have had random occurances of a big cramp like feeling in my lungs. It can last anything from 30 seconds to a couple of minuets and take the wind out of me. I visited the docs about this a few years ago and he said it sounded muscular. Its almost like my lungs are being squeezed!-ive not had it for a while though! Ive had a recent chest x ray and all was fine!

Last week I had a couple of episodes of cramp? in my arm which hurt like hell.Felt like my whole arm was dead!!

I am 35, would say I am physically fit. I cycle 5 miles every day and swim 2-3 times a week, and dont get exhausted.
Surely if it was angina, I would tire easily and get chest pains when exercising, would i not?

To top it off, my palps are worse today, prob because I am so tired?

any help would be most appreciated.

09-02-10, 09:36

Yes, I'm sure you will be physically fit and you are doing all the right things. Exercise is actually very good for palpitations. It's anxiety - nothing more!! The palpitations are completely harmless and won't do your heart any harm. And yes, I used to get them more when I was tired. It's as though when you are a bit run down then you're more prone to anxiety symptoms. I don't think for a minute it is angina. It all sounds like stress and I'd carry on with what you are doing, cycling and swimming, as it can only do you good.

09-02-10, 09:57
thanks for you reassurance.... what could be the cause of my back cramps and arm cramps? these worry me

09-02-10, 10:29
mechanical pain from being uptight i hope. I get it too xx

09-02-10, 13:38
just been to see doc. felt my pulse and said it is just an ectopic beat i have and there is no need to worry! funny, I walked out of the surgery, and they dont seem as bad!!

09-02-10, 15:49
That's good...funny how when the doc reassures us we feel so much better. I get those cramps if I am really tense, esp if I have been awake all night worrying

09-02-10, 16:38
Not sure if it's the same thing but I get-almost daily- a sort of involuntary gasp almost like a goldfish! It's very worrying and yet I haven't any other symptoms. Having said that the doctor said my heart was enlarged which has also worried me sick ever since. Has anyone any helpful or reasuring advice?

09-02-10, 17:57
I have had EXACTLY the symptoms you are now having for a few months - eating then sometimes, within minutes, starting with ectopic beats that lasted for a couple of hours. This got worse after each meal until by the evening they were dreadful.

I reduced them significantly by eating less, eating low fat and low sugar foods. Then, the last few days I forgot about them (or rather forgot to worry about them) and have hardly had any - I think my stomach 'tension' reduced and then I wasn't stimulating the nerves that cause the irregular beating. Less anxiety, and a change in diet, has improved the way my stomach is digesting food and I'm not getting the feeling that I need to burp the whole time.

I think if you/we/I can try to not feel fear of them, then they can improve considerably.

10-02-10, 11:01
after the docs visit yesterday I felt very releived. When I mentioned to the doc that i was worried about the cramps i had been getting in my right arm, he said "dont worry, its when you get them in your left arm that it can be a sign of angina. Anyway, woke up in the night with a massive cramp in,yes,the whole of my left arm. should I be worried? Checked my puls whilst this was happening and it seemed norma? does anyone else get arm cramps? is the pain localised to one spot or does it affect most of your whole arm?

10-02-10, 11:26
Don't worry. When we are anxious we become very suggestable to everything we hear. Because your doctor mentioned the left arm to you I bet you've been tensing this arm, without realising it, because of anxiety!! We've all done it - heard about something and then took he symptoms!! The anxious mind is a powerful thing. Please try and be reassured that your heart is healthy and that you are suffering from anxiety and that there's nothing medically wrong with you.