View Full Version : Still in pain so worried

08-02-10, 15:08
so, i've been to the dentist about 4 weeks ago to have my abcess drained, then they refered me to have my tooth taken out under IV sedation which im not to happy about, problem is im still getting pain in my cheek and down my nose and above my eye. its like a dull throbbing pain. then i got tonsilitis so the doctors at the hospital put me on antibiotics for 10days, still got 4 more days to go yet, its quite a strong course and they said that if any remaining infection from my abcess or sinus should also go while taking these. but i still have pain, when i was out in town i came over all funny like i was breathless, dizzy, legs went like jelly. so i hoped on the bus down to the local hospital to find out if i was having a reactionn the meds im on, anyway, they checked my pulse, heart etc all was fine, they just said that i must take the meds with food ( which granted i wasn't doing) but then the doctor said my eye looked swollen and seemed like i may have sinus or still and infection from the abcess, if it dont go away by the time i finish my course of anti bi's then to go to my GP and get them to send me for an x ray as the infection can spread to my brain, needless to say i come out of there worried sick im gonna die :(. i just dont understand why im still in pain when taking strong meds for all these problems. i've jst about had enough now. for the first time ever in my life i really did think about just jumping on a train and dissapearing, its all getting so much it seems to never end. i have 2 wonderful children, a great boyfriend yet i can't seem to enjoy anything at the moment cos im always in pain with something. i feel like such a wreck.:weep: