View Full Version : Venlafaxine exhaustion?

08-02-10, 15:19
Hi, I have been taking 75mg of Venlafaxine slow release for 10 days after my doc changed my meds. It is difficult enough coping with day to day tasks but since taking these I have no energy whatasoever. Especially in the afternoon I am absolutely beat, my body feels quite weak and trembly. Has anyone else experienced this on these meds, and how long do you think this side effects will last? Many thanks!

08-02-10, 16:58
It will take a number of weeks before your body adjusts to the new medication. I'm not on venlafaxine but on another similar med and since increasing my dose I've had a lot of fatigue and daytime tiredness like you. It does get better though and is very common with these meds, so you're not alone.

magic girl
08-02-10, 21:37
iv been on venlafaxine for about 7 years now usually at 150 mg but i was on 75 mg last year and i am always shattered in the afternoon i often fall asleep and have to set my alarm so i wake up in time to collect my son from school.i just accept it as a side affect as i would rather feel sleepy than have anxiety and panic attacks:)