View Full Version : GAD

08-02-10, 15:39
J:unsure:ust realised after filling in form for help with mortgage that my GAD started 5 years ago and it has really brought me down didnt realise it was that long as i only had 2 retire last year due to having so much time off work how long does this go on and will it get any better. Am on ads and been to cbt and have just ordered claire weekes book but am truly fed up with this does any 1 else suffer and how long does it takes to return to some sort of normality looking 4 reassurance that i will get better 1 day.

08-02-10, 17:05
I think GAD affects people in different ways, for some I think it's constant while to majority have seasons with it.
Sorry your feeling fed up, I find I get fed up and utterly frustrated every so many days and then seem to be fine so many days too.

08-02-10, 17:25
I think you can recover from GAD but many people go through "blips" nevertheless. You have to focus on ways to deal with stresses that can trigger your anxiety. After all, we can't escape from life's ups and downs.

The Claire Weekes book has helped many people so take your time reading it and you should find it a great help.

11-02-10, 21:08
just an update received Claire weekes book and started 2 read it feeling a little better bit more positive

12-02-10, 10:23
just an update received Claire weekes book and started 2 read it feeling a little better bit more positive

:yesyes: Nice 1