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08-02-10, 18:48
once again i have been given citaopram! not yet taken them yet in a way i need to know my partner is behind me.. he has not once asked if im ok and if ive took them so i wonder if any point.. my mum and 10 year old sister came in my appointment which i wasnt to happy with.. im 20!! i didnt overlly mind my mum comign in btu my 10 year old sister kinda took the piss! why wud she want to know what a complete nutcase her sister is.. i remember she used to look up to me.. get a coat same as mine just to be like me.. now what has she got to look up to?

been so anxious and depressed lately and i often think if i didnt have such a beautiful angel for a daughter i wud just end it all now.. basically im looking for advise... should i take them?
any side effects?


08-02-10, 18:52
Hi there
I have just read your post
what mg has the doctor started you on
You will get some side effects but they will go
I am on 10mg Citrpram
They have helped me
Good Luck


08-02-10, 19:06
Hi Summersmum,

I started on 20mg 11 days ago and it's already started to make a difference in my life (I suffer depression and am 37.) You have NOTHING to lose by trying the meds. Support is important, but you also need to remember, it's you that's going to make all the difference. Your sis is only 10 and it's hard for her to understand what's going on with you..remember, with age comes wisdom. When she's taking the piss, just remember...she's 10.

Talk with your partner and help him understand what you need and how you feel. My partner (of 7 years) has a hard time 'understanding' what I'm going through, but her support is all I need. I don't need her to walk a mile in my shoes, I just need a friend. And she's it.

This is a wonderful site to come to. I come on everyday and post how I'm doing with my pills, and we all talk and share, and it really helps me cope!! You're never alone, ever.

You make the difference, it's you that sought the help, and it's you that will benefit from this journey. How people react to you on the way, well, that's their reaction...and you can't control that. I know it seems rough, and hopeless sometime's, and you will always have those moments in your life...we're only human, but just coming on here and talking about it shows you have inner strength and determination.

You can do this...we all believe in you!! Let us know how you're coming along!

Mark :hugs:

08-02-10, 19:08
P.S. My side effects were pretty mild....Headache, dizzy, dry mouth..some trouble sleeping. But it reacts with everyone different. Look through the Citalopram forum here and you'll see a lot of advice on the side effects and how to cope.


08-02-10, 22:56
honestly babe take them i was really bad with panic attacks agrophobia dp the lot was so scared to take cit but been on them since oct they have changed my life im now able to go out on my own no panic apart from on my monthlys thats it i feel human again there work so well for me xxxxx

09-02-10, 18:31
thanks guys... ive decided as of tomorrow im going to start them! my daughter deserves a good mum...

09-02-10, 18:32
oh moks im on 20 mg and whenh i meant take the piss i meant i didnt feel she should hear that about her sister.. my sister is loveky will cuddle me when i need one she semi understands i guess...

09-02-10, 18:48
Good for you, don't put it off. I have been on them for 3 months and they have definitely made a difference to my life. I still get the odd 'blip' but can deal with that. Some dizziness and feel lightheaded still but I can also cope with that. You will definitely feel the benefit from them, I'm on 20mg. I was also given diazapam 2mg to get me through the first couple of weeks. I'm not completely 100% yet but am determined to get there. Am off to the dr's next week to see if I need to increase my dosage of cit. I hope all goes well for you and that you can enjoy your life again with your daughter.

Luv Jannie :)

10-02-10, 09:21
thank u jannie

10-02-10, 16:08
I was prescribed that a few years back when I was suffering from moderate depression. Personally I found it made me feel numb within the first 6 months and there after I was just going about my business as normal, I didn't actually feel depressed after a while. I decided to stop taking them as I didn't feel depressed any more only the odd typical blue day here and there. I did gain a lot of weight though but my eating habits changed so it could just be coincidence. I have since dieted all the weight off and I'm not depressed any more but I have started suffering from panic attacks again which I am seeing my doctor about today.