View Full Version : Anxiety and children

08-02-10, 19:00
Hello all, not sure if this is the right place to post but I'm just having such a bad time!!!!

I've been suffering from anxiety solidly for 15 months now not a minute goes by when I haven't been anxious. It started from a random one off panic attack when I was 4 weeks pregnant in November 08 and the worry about my unborn baby just esculated. Anyway 8 months later I gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy and I thought the anxiety would disappear once I knew he was ok but nope it has just got worse and worse. My anxiety originally related to my head and obsessions over brain problems such as stroke, tumour, haemerage etc and it still is (I have a constant awareness of my head and my head hurts all the time) but now I am so worried about being constantly stressed for such a long period of time that I'll not be able to have any more children. I haven't had a period for 6 months since my baby (I don't know if this has anything to do with anxiety or not) my doctor isn't concerned and I am currently undergoing CBT. I have accepted my anxiety but I am so upset that my body is suffering so badly from it that I don't seem to be recovering.

Has any women here suffered from constant anxiety over a long period of time and gone on to have healthy children. I am so worried about it, I can't see myself getting better.

Thanks for any reponses!!! xxx

08-02-10, 20:31
hello hun first of all massive (((((hugs))))

im 26 and i have 4 daughters age 8 5 2 and 12 months.

i worried about every one of them throughout my whole pregnancies and by my 4th i was a complete nervous wreck :(

anyway my girls are all very healthy and happy :)

pm me anytime if you need a chat xx

magic girl
08-02-10, 21:31
please don't worry you will be able to have more children and i think most mums worry when pregnant its just that some of us worry more,i think you should have a word with your health visitor as you could be suffering from post natal depression i had it after my son was born also if you are breast feeding that can supress your periods but please don't think you are weird or abnormal you sound just like a lot of other new mums:D:hugs: