View Full Version : Tight / Constricted throat

08-02-10, 20:04
This is the only physical symptom i get bothered with yet i know its all down to anxiety. It has been off and on for the last 4 years while i have been on citalopram. I am currently off it for the 2nd time now (just over 3 weeks) however im thinking of going back on again so this all stops! Pushing myself not to tho! I dont understand how it just comes from out of the blue! I can just be sitting watching tv then all of a sudden bam tight throat. I know its not going to stop me breathing, i know why its there so why wont it go away!!!:mad:

08-02-10, 20:09
My throat gets like this too.. especially lately.. I think it might be the weather.The tightness comes and goes.. and sometimes it feels as though my food is choking me going down. .I have been to the doctor and they have checked me out over and over for everything they can think of so I have to assume its the weather or just my anxiety .. Hope you feel better soon..I know this is miserable.. I do understand..and I hate it..

08-02-10, 20:51
I've had it on occassion over the last 3/4 weeks as well. It's a sign of stress/tension, down to the muscles in the throat/neck constracting. It WILL pass - it does for me. Just try and get plenty of exercise (easier said that done with the weather, at the mo) and relaxation too.

08-02-10, 20:58
I have had this too in the past, as well as catching breath and yawning to catch breath. It is just anxiety / stress, just remember that. It does my head in! I go through short spurts of it and if it gets really bad I take diazepam. Luckily I don't have to take that all the time..... I am also on 30mgs of Citalopram per day. I am seeing someone in a couple of weeks hopefully for CBT. Fingers crossed! Hope you are OK. Email me if you want a chat .....
Emma x