View Full Version : High Pulse

01-01-06, 07:50
What is a normal pulse rate? I "think" mine is a little on the high end but my BP is normal.

How can that be? I thought the 2 were related somehow.
My pulse is ranging between 95-110
But my BP is between 118-130/72-80


01-01-06, 08:30
I looked it up on the net and 60 to 100 is normal for adults.
So you're just fine.


"One Oneness One"

01-01-06, 10:48
When I am anxious mine is always higher and oftern goes up to 140 but it's a cycle becuase the more you worry and check the faster it goes.

The reate you said isn't abnormal at all. Pulse rates also are afected by what you are doing at the time, how fit you are, your weight, the weather - a million different factors so try not to worry about it.

When my pulse races my BP stays fine too so I think that's fairly normal also.

Annie x

25-01-08, 08:02

My Pulse rate is sometimes between 90-110 & my BP is normal. So don't worry dear.