View Full Version : twitching eyes

08-02-10, 22:31
hey guys,

just wondered do any of you guys getting twitching eye lids mine are going ten to the dozen is horrible, also seem to get what feels like a shaking head which leaves me with a horrible pressure/pain headache
also seems to get palpartations and hunger pains

08-02-10, 22:34
Twitching eyes are definitely a symptom of anxiety and stress. I don't know what causes it exactly, but there was a post about it a few days ago and umpteen people suffered from it sometimes. There's no accounting for anxiety symptoms - they're so weird at times. My sister in law gets it all the time when she's stressed so please don't worry, it's harmless and will go.

08-02-10, 22:40
just seems strange ive seem to have had this for months :O

08-02-10, 22:43
I think its just something normal the body does all over your body at sometime or the other . It could just be tired eyes or could just be one of those things that happen..Now I do get twitches like that ,and they last for weeks sometimes ,other than annoying I hope they aren't anything bad.. Michael