View Full Version : New & not sure how to post!

01-01-06, 13:38

I'm hoping this is the right place to introduce myself? Feel a bit nervous - don't usually use forums, but everyone here seems really nice so what have I got to lose, right?

Well, a bit about me - first had a panic attack over 10 years ago - had never heard of them before and like so many it came from no-where and I was convinced I was having a heart attack so called 999... the attacks continued, but at the time I also had quite bad depression and after a while the panic attacks just seemed to go by themselves - or the depression took over - I’m not sure what happened but didn't give it much thought. Although had depression for many years afterwards I finally had some really good therapy a couple of years back (which meant I came off meds too for the first time in about 8 years) and have not really had any mental heath 'issues' since... until about a year ago when I started having panic attacks from no-where again. They sort of come and go, and I’ve been months without any, then have weeks where I seem to be in a permanent state of panic and find it very hard to do anything without an attack. Because of my many years on meds, I’m scared to go to the doctors because I’m scared they'll put me back on them and I’ll be stuck on them again... so I just kinda keep them to myself.

Everything came to a head though about a week before Christmas - I’ve been feeling generally unwell for a while so had so blood tests taken by the doctors - which induced anxiety in itself (will they show I have some terrible life threatening illness after all?). I live alone but things were so bad I had to stay at a friends for a few days. Then I rang the docs for the results and they told me some of the results had come back abnormal - well that was it, I was convinced they had in fact found out I had something seriously wrong and was in panic attack central :(

Having already burdened my friend for several days, I decided to ring my Mum and ask her to spend some the evening with me as the doctor couldn't see me til the next day. Me and my Mum have an odd relationship anyway, as she's never really been supportive of things in the past, but I still turn to her when things are bad... often to my disappointment (you'd think I’d learn). Anyway she basically said she had book club, but would come afterwards (around 10pm - and it was around 4pm when I rang - and I’m sure you can understand that 6hrs can seem like an eternity to someone in the throws of panic) so I got really upset and asked her if she could miss her club - and she said no. so I rang my sister who told me not to be so melodramatic - so I hung up on her cos I was so shocked at what she was saying to me. To cut a really long story a bit shorter I told them I didn't mean to be 'melodramatic' but was having really bad panic attacks, and was told by them both that they were sick of me periodically using mental health as an excuse to throw tantrums and when I decided to stop being so childish I could enjoy Christmas with them. So I didn't spend Christmas with them, but instead spent it mostly alone, having panic attacks.

Now all this sounds like I’m feeling really sorry for myself, but over the last few days I’ve decide I’ve got two choices, to curl up and let this (and them) defeat me, or to fight it my hardest - and although I know it'll probably get the better of me at times, I still choose to fight!

Hence finding your site - and I can't describe how much reading the messages here has already provided comfort - I knew other people felt like me too, but until reading them I never really understood exactly how people had had the very same feelings as me. Although I wouldn't wish these feelings on anyone, equally it's comforting to know you feel the same, so thanks for sharing :)

Well, that was a much bigger introduction than I intended, and probably a bit garbled, so sorry about that - but thanks for listening.

BB x

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.

01-01-06, 14:24
Welcome BB

Glad you have found some comfort here already.

It does sound like both Mum and sis have a huge gap in their knowledge base and until they choose to learn a bit more they are not going to be your support for now.

When is your appt with your doctor to discuss these abnormal results ? Once you know what you're dealing with it does make it easier, its the complete unknown and uncertainty that is so awful. There are some things that can mimic panic so it may be a great help too in several ways

Meanwhile be kind to yourself and be gentle on yourself please.

Common Symptoms of Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-01-06, 14:26
Hello and welcome :)

I'm also fairly new here and have found th esite and all its members to be incredibly supportive and full of useful advice.

It sounds like you have made a very big positive step in recognising that you have to fight this thing off.

Sorry to hear that your family have not been very supportive. Sometimes people don't really understand the nature of the beast that is anxiety and panic. Lucky them that they have never had to feel this way.

I really really hope that all your tests prove to be nothing bad and that you get all the suppor tnad friendship you need from here to build on your strength to move on.

You have done it befor and you will again.

Annie x

01-01-06, 14:41
Hi Bb,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

It is good to hear that you are taking the right approach to the anxiety, your not going to sit back and let it control you, you are going to fight it, stay positive and you will get through it and come out the other end a much stronger person.

Take care

Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

01-01-06, 14:50
Thanks for your message Meg :)

I had the test results – all clear… which was actually really re-assuring for a while as it convinced me that there couldn’t really be anything majorly wrong with me as they would have picked it up – until my Mum said that they told her there was nothing wrong with her too just before she had kidney failure last year – that was what triggered the major argument as I’d just calmed myself down and convinced myself I was ok and then she had to say that… I told her it was upsetting to hear and she told me I should face up to things and stop being a wimp. I tried to explain about the panic attacks but she said I should be old enough to deal with it and should sort it out. So I told her she should sort out her kidneys, because to me it’s the same. I know that was an awful thing to say but I was so upset she was implying I choose to have panic attacks. We haven’t spoken since, and that’s when I got the email from my sister telling me to stop being so selfish and childish, and I know the only way the situation will resolve itself is if I apologise – which is what I always have to do in these situations and part of me doesn’t see why I should have to – again. I have tried giving both my Mum and Sister stuff to read about depression and anxiety in the past, but they both say their too busy to read it – basically although they accept other people might genuinely suffer from these conditions, they think I just make it up to seek attention – which is so upsetting and frustrating.

It’s not all bad though – I have an incredibly supportive brother who always reassures me that I’m not a bad witch – which helps! He’s only 17 though so I don’t feel I can burden him too much, but he’s still a great comfort nonetheless…

BB x

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.

01-01-06, 14:55
Have just read your replies Annie & Trac – they made tears well up, but in a good way… it’s lovely to open up to people and not have them tell you you’re pathetic – thank you :)

BB x

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.

01-01-06, 14:55
hi and welcome to the site, it sounds like your having a tough time at the moment, but you wil get through this with or without your familys support. and remember, having a panic attack isnt going to harm you in anyway(that thought always makes me feel a little better and makes the attack pass faster for me). takecare xx.


01-01-06, 15:03
Thank you Denise – it helps my rational mind to think that but my mind isn’t always rational! Even when I’m having an attack, I can tell myself it’s my imagination and nothing bad will happen, but it still doesn’t stop the attack or me from having another separate argument with myself wondering what if this time it really is something bad – if that makes sense?!

Don’t know how to stop the other person from interrupting when I’m trying to tell myself it’ll all be ok :(


Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.

01-01-06, 15:13
The Battle that Rages in my Head (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4149)
struggling... (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6901)
TAKE A STAND?! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6823)

Strategies for coping (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2680)
Some of my symptoms and explinations. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4495)
very strange panic attack symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5071)
Actute Anxiety,given ZISPIN ???? HELP (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6054)
bowels (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6941)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-01-06, 15:38

Welcome to the forum.

You'll get a lot of support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

01-01-06, 15:45

A warm welcome aboard.

Sorry you are having a bad time at the moment and I hope with some of the great suppport you receive on here then you will be able to feel better.

It is hard when we have close relatives that don't understand. My mum and sister don't really understand what I have been through over the years and we don't talk about it much but they are not cruel and say hurtful things like yours seem to.

Do you have a close friend that you could confide in as well?

I hope that you gett some help here as well so ask any questions you want to and we will try to help.


01-01-06, 16:33
Welcome Aboard, BB

I'm glad you found us and can relate to the long hours of panic and uncertainty when you live on your own.

I think myself lucky that my elder brother is supportive, but it took him a while to get his head round things.

Come here often and get comfort.

Happy New Year!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

01-01-06, 17:00
Just to say Hi and Welcome BB.

01-01-06, 17:27
Hi Ray, Nicola & Karen

Thanks so much for your kind words and support – I’ve seen other people write it, but it’s true how it’s sad that complete strangers can be more warm, welcoming and supportive than your own family – I guess that’s what’s so hurtful is that it’s them that you hope will be there for you if you really need it, but it seems for many of us they’re not… but on a lighter note it seems there are some lovely people here so that restores my faith in humanity somewhat :)

Thanks Meg for the links too – is so reassuring to hear others stories are the same as yours… Maybe you really do need to suffer from some sort of ‘mental health disorder’ (anyone else here hate that term?!?) to fully understand – I do have one friend who is very supportive – but I think that’s cos she’s had problems in the past herself? There is only really her though, and I don’t like to bother her every time I feel bad because a) on bad days I’d be on the phone to her 24hrs a day and b) I’m very aware that if I’m to dependant on her it won’t do either of us or our friendship any good.

Guess that’s why I’m so touched by the people on this site – that you can be so supportive of someone you’ve never met… you should all take comfort in the fact that there must be something lovely about you to allow you to be so lovely to others :D

BB x

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.

02-01-06, 07:56
Hi BB and welcome to NMP where you will lots of support and make some great friends too![^]

Take Care



02-01-06, 10:21
i just wanted to say hi and welcome too...
you are in the right place for great support and advice... as you have already seen people here will listen and understand... you will make some great friends here
if you are feeling really lonely the chat room is a great place to be... im not sure if many use it in the day but in the evening there is always people in there just talking or having a laugh you will be made very welcome
take care

02-01-06, 11:06
Welcome, BB!

It's great to offload on this site cos you know that each and every person can relate and sympathise with your problems.


02-01-06, 19:07
Thanks Chucklehound, Rach & Kate – I’ll be sure to check out the message board when I pluck up the courage! [:I]

BB x

Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.