View Full Version : linjoy

09-02-10, 09:56
Hi my names Linda I suppose you could call me a senior member I have suffered from GAD and health anxiety for years been on and off Citalopram about 8or 9 times My son was rushed into hospital 2 xmases ago with life threatening illness and I was a wreck couldn't get out of bed, thankfully he is much better but since Oct I've been really depressed and can see no joy in life.Found this web site by accident and its very useful reassuring that there are other people like me

09-02-10, 09:58
Hi linjoy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-02-10, 10:00
Thanks Nicola

09-02-10, 10:37
Hello Linda,

Welcome to nmp. Your son's illness will have completely drained you and no wonder. When our children are ill it is very difficult because they are your life. You sound very sensitive and sometimes life is more difficult when you are like this. It's very hard to change what you are as a person, isn't it?!! I am also very sensitive and over-analyze and wind myself up, so no wonder we get anxious and down. You are not alone. You are probably worn out and need lots of tlc. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it. With time and rest you will see light at the end of the tunnel. You'll get lots of support from people here who feel just like you. You won't always feel like this.
Myra x

09-02-10, 10:48
Hi Linda. How are you today? I have just sunk back into a phase of panic attacks. I really like reading the posts on here and seeing that other people feel the same way. Some of them make me laugh...and cry... because they are so similar. I do hope your son is better. I have two boys and they are both out in the USA. The sun has been out here but not looking forward to the rest of the week and more cold weather. Spring must be on its way!

09-02-10, 20:11
thanks for replying it helps to know there are other people going through the same thing