View Full Version : blood test tomorrow

09-02-10, 19:32
am due to have full blood count tomorrow (think im right in believing its just the one pot)

going to be tested for thyroid/hormone problems anemia etc.

i have cancelled this test for the last 3 weeks where im so frightened.

i always have to lie down whilst having it done.

have been feeling dizzy/light headed for past week or 2 on and off and this is making my anxiety so much worse, i know tonight ill have a sleepless night.

when i was 17 (im now 26) i was sat down having blood test and i fainted :( and im assuming this is the cause why i do not like blood tests. i will lie down but am so frightened when i stand i will faint :weep:

i even put off my blood tests during my last pregnancy til the week before i gave birth where i hate then so much and i just freak out and panic :(

does anyone please have any tips or advice for me????


Heavens To Betsy
09-02-10, 20:52
Just tell the nurse how scared you are - they are used to dealing with nervous patients and will try their best to put you at ease. Good luck.... This time tomorrow you will wonder why you spend so much time worrying about it :)

anx mum
09-02-10, 21:01
hi hun when u have it done just sit down and look away thats what i always do its soon all over if u feel faint stay seated or lie down i have felt dizzy in the past good luck:bighug1:

09-02-10, 21:37
thank you. so worried i have been in tears this evening and am feeling so giddy and off balance x

09-02-10, 21:55
I just talk non stop and never ever look at the needle.

It works fine then

09-02-10, 22:28

I also do what nicola does. I tell them how nervous i am and ask them to talk to me!

good luck

mandie xx

09-02-10, 22:43
As soon as I walk in I say please do this quick before I either run out or faint. I roll my sleeve up quick and sit down, look away and talk about anything and everything and hey presto its done and I end up thinking "that wasn't so bad". Every time I do this, the build up is always worse than the event itself! Don't get there too early and end up sitting waiting too long either or you may get more nervous n do a runner! You will be FINE matey I'm sure. I even give blood n go through this every time!Mad aren't I?

09-02-10, 23:12
My Husband has a needle phobia and recently had to have blood test done twice! I made sure he had his MP3 player with his fav music on it, he also wore dark/sunglasses and a peaked hat ie baseball so he couldnt see. I would tell the nurse as suggested and try to find a way to disract/distance yourself if poss. Good Luck for tommorrow.

10-02-10, 11:47
thank you to everyone for your kind words :)

UPDATE........I DID IT!!!!!

was on the brink at ringing to cancel at 830 this morning (appointment was at 910) but hubby said no way are you!!!!! droped our 2 eldest at school then took our 2 youngest to my mum (she lives round the corner) was only waiting in the room 2 mins i said to hubby im going i cant stay here and he said no your not ill make you stay lol.

when i was called in my heart was pounding so hard and fast i seriously thought i was going to faint! then i really freaked out when she told me she needs to take 3 tube fulls and not just 1 like i thought!!!! i led on the bed with my head propped up. she even joked 'in a way its good your heart is beating faster as the blood will come out quicker'! that did put me at ease a little! then before i knew it it was all done and she said there you go you can run as fast as you can out the room now lol felt a bit light headed and shaky once i was outside and ran to the car lol.

thank god its now done!! just got to wait few weeks for results now!! xx

10-02-10, 14:00

well done to you

love mandie xx

10-02-10, 21:13
hi mummy 4,

you will be fine! it will be over so quickly.

ive already given my recommendations, so i wont rehash them again, but do make sure you lie down. just take your time getting up after. you wont faint later im sure of it.

let us kno how it goes ok?

i was very proud of myself and very very relieved when i had mine done a few weeks ago. ive got another one or two coming in the next 2 months- urgh!!!

good luck! sending warm wishes your way.:hugs:

anx mum
10-02-10, 21:17
well done hun:bighug1:

10-02-10, 21:26
You did it,:hugs: you did it. Well done you!

10-02-10, 21:36
thanks guys.

bit worried..........

cooking t earlier and my haed started spinning seriously thought i was going to pass out. everytime i stand now i feel dizzy and its making me worry. also been getting few palpitations :(

10-02-10, 21:49
goodness, im a bit behind lol.

what i mean to say was CONGRATS! you did it!!!

ahh, i have baby brain i think...

well done! thats great news!


10-02-10, 23:20
just sounds like the anx hun.

hope u feel better in the morning

:hugs: mandie x

11-02-10, 01:29
Oh well done you...so brave as you were so scared. It's so nice when people care and look after you.

Heavens To Betsy
11-02-10, 14:17
Good on you. Well done :)

11-02-10, 18:35
thanks everyone

just a matter of waiting for the results now but i wont worry about that til i get them!!

not feeling so giddy today thank god x