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View Full Version : Is it panic or could it be something else??

06-02-04, 19:06
Hi all,
Lately my head has just been going crazy and everytime i get anxious or have a PA I start questioning whether it is panic disorder that I have , or do i have some disease or some thing I keep thinking i have cancer or aids or anything! i feel like a crazy person because my doc said Im fine it just scares me so much when i feel as though I cant breathe or that my throoat is closing up. Am I really overreacting?? Well actually I know I am!!But, can any of the symptoms of panic disorder be the same symptoms of any other sort of illness?
-Crazy Christie (LOL)[:I]

06-02-04, 20:33
Hi Christie,

I can so relate to you. I have a problem accepting that I suffer from panic disorder. I am convinced that it is some deadly disease or something life threatening. I just want to rush to the hospital whenever these feelings come over me or when I am having a panic attack as I am convinced that I am going to drop down dead at any moment. These feelings come at least once a day. If not all the time. It is so scary, but the doctors dont seem to understand.

07-02-04, 01:51
Hiya Christie and Panic 140671,

All of the symptoms you describe Christie are definitely related to anxiety/panic. We all have those thoughts, which is exactly why we have this disorder, because we have "IRRATIONAL" thought patterns. You are not going mad, just feeling the "NORMAL" feelings and "THINKING" the "NORMAL" thoughts we sufferers of this disorder feel and think, if that makes any sense. LOL....... :) You know what I mean. I am sure if your doctors found nothing physically wrong, you do not have any fatal disease to worry about. So try if you can to put it all down to anxiety/panic and move on from there. It will get better, just keep ya chin up!!!!!!!!!! :)

Take care,

Diana xxxx

07-02-04, 13:47
I once stood up in the middle of a Bingo game at a firehouse and yelled "Im having a heart attack" well i had about three fireman and two paramedics lay me down and start treating for a heart attack. After about three minutes the head paramedic said "sir your ekg is just fine" by the time i got to the hospital i was calm a back to normal. I cannot tell you how many times that i felt that i am having a heart attack. And i always go well the other ones were panic but THIS ONE IS REAL...PA is a horrible thing to have but for me sometimes it is just a matter of not letting your mind overtake the body. Try breathing excercises and i will rate things on paper like what isthe chance of this being a heart from 1-10

Harrisburg, Pa

07-02-04, 19:00

What a scene that must have been!!!!!!!!!!! LOL..... :). I know how you feel, My husband plays "LEAGUE" soccer every Sunday during the season. One time at one of his games I ran out into the field in the middle of a play, yelling frantically for him to get off the field, because I had to leave "I HAD TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL" in front of all of his team mates, and childhood friends. I can laugh now but at that moment I was raving mad. However as soon as he got off of the field and we got in the car to get to the "hospital" , suddenly I felt fine, in fact I was famished,(starving) thirsty. So we stopped to get a bit to eat and drink and I was fine for the rest of the day. Go figure ey? I don`t think my husband thought it was very funny at the time.

Take care all,

Diana xxxxx