View Full Version : Hi

09-02-10, 19:48
Hi, my life was turned upside down about six months ago when i had my first panic attack, i thought i was dying. i feel really silly after they have gone, but i have no control, my social life is going down the toilet and havent driven in ages. i hate feeling this way, im hoping that talking to people who go through the same thing will help.....

09-02-10, 19:49
Hi Scorpa

Welcome to NMP. I hope you find all the help and support you need here.

Take care

09-02-10, 19:50
Hi Scorpa

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

09-02-10, 20:01
Thanks, it will be great to talk to people who dont think im crazy .

margaret jones
09-02-10, 20:07

Vanilla Sky
09-02-10, 20:08
Welcome to NMP , you will find it supportive here :welcome: Paige x

09-02-10, 21:54
Hello Scorpa,

It's overwhelming when you take your first panic attack but you can learn to cope. You will get lots of support here. Have you read any of Claire Weekes' books? I found them invaluable when I first suffered from panic and anxiety many years ago.