View Full Version : freaking out big time

09-02-10, 20:34
hi guys
i am freaking out so much, i saw a consultant on monday regarding gallstones, which i will be having removed asap, this isnt my worry right now, i had a baby 13 weeks ago great birth and a gorgeous little boy,
the other night i felt a gristly lump behind my right knee and am worried to death it is some kind of blood clot, i have been having achy legs and the odd pain and am so scared it could be a clot and i am going to die oh this is just awful...
to scared to go to the doctors :weep:

09-02-10, 23:05
Hi. you know it needs to be said "go to the docs if it is worrying you" . It sounds like a sebacious cyst (my daughter has these and the doc says they are harmless). They are like lumps of fat that move n squish when you press them. Maybe its leaning on a nerve or vein n that why you are achy. Only a doc can tell you though, I think u know that. If your baby had it you would take him to the doc wouldn't you so go! :)