View Full Version : i cant take much more

10-02-10, 10:31
I really can't take much more i feel so ill.
I have had bad anxiety for years and i'm obsessed with my heart, my docs are so fed up with me. They keep telling me that theres nothing wrong with my heart and that its all anxiety. But surely I can't feel this bad just through anxiety. My doc put me on mirtazapine in November and havent done a thing my symptoms range from palps,etopics, pains racing heart. But now i'm getting really bad dizzy spells so bad that i feel as though i'm going to pass out my ears feel all muffled i'm so scared that i'm going to pass out and no one will be able to pick up my children. Please an someone reassure me that this is all anxiety im panicking so much and i'm so frightened, my husband said the other day why can't i be like the old me. I wish i could but i just can't every day seems like a battle. Please help me.:unsure:

10-02-10, 10:39
Aw sweet heart

We are all the same, just have all have different fixations to focus our anxiety on. Having an anxiety disorder often means that you cannot trust your 'feelings' on certain subjects and for you, its your heart and whether or not you have a problem.

Your dr has given you the facts, and you cannot change those no matter how you 'feel'.

You cannot also make those facts alter becuase you think you either deserve them too or becuase its 'just your luck'. You are not special ( well you are but not in the way that I am meaning!!!:hugs::hugs:) The same rules apply to you as to everyone else - facts are fact and emotional predictions cannot and do not change those facts. Your feelings and thoughts are yours, you create them and they can only control your actions....NOTHING ELSE!!.

You have to take a leap of faith and believe your dr and start living 'as if' you dont care about your fears of your heart being unhealthy. And before you know it I promise you, you will see very clearly exactly how to get back top the old you. Until you do this , it will be very difficult for you to beleive that all this really will go away , if you let it

Be strong!!!
