View Full Version : Major Depression

10-02-10, 10:37
I finally plucked up the courage to post this on here. so here it goes ... Latley my mum has been dragging me into school. I have been falling behind in lessons and corsework. Im reallu past caring anymore as i feel as tho there is no point. Im not stupid and i understand what needs to be done, it just picking myself up and doing it thats the hard part. There was a big episode about self-harm at school the other day, and When im at school i get these 'feeling' in my head, i think im going compleatly insane! its atually a really scary feeling i get, but i just can't explane it. There was a big episode about self-harm at school the other day, and it make me think that is i cut then the fear would almost leak out. I havn't self-harmed .. yet. My Grandma's very ill at the moment, she reciently moved into a nursing home from the hospital, we found out she had advanced lung cancer, alot with lots of other things, and there is nothing that they could do but make her comftable. Big help, Not! Its really stressfull at home, my mum is tense because of my Grandma and my Dad keep shouting at me and making me feel bad :unsure: Schools no better, because, as i said, i get this 'feeling' but i also feel like im playing the Agony Aunt to my 2 best friends. One is a self harmer with lots of stress and the other is ill alot and has anixaty. I feel like if i fix there toubles then mine might just go away! I Have been having my sleeping tabs (melatonin) nearly everynight, and most of the time i sleep through but i still feel exhausted the next day. I also never feel hungry and i am starting to loose weight. I also have lo-confidence and self-esstem, i recently entered a modeling ocmpetiton for new look, and they didnt pick me... i undertand there was alot of entries, but i was kinda excited.

I was looking through the fourm and found this :

Major desorder means a prolonged feeling of sadness. Sufferer doesn't show interest in any activity or pass time. Loss of appetite, loss in weight, hopelessness, lack of concentration, low self esteem and isolation are the common symptoms of this disease. The negative feelings are very common in the patient suffering from major depression. Patient is always occupied with thoughts of suicide. A person with this type of depression needs good care and attention as they can harm himself anytime. This type of disorder is not short term, it lasts for years.

I have been refused anti-depressents but it wasnt as bad as this time. This 'feeling' is really starting to make me feel insaid, i just stay in my room all day and i love to sleep because it makes it all go away ...

Can come PLEASE post somthing ... anything ... i really need some help. I feel like all hope is gone and if one more thing goes wrong .. i dont know what i will do.

10-02-10, 10:59
I hope it was not my post. I was googling it last night but feel it's maybe just an over stated term for feeling down.

The only post I found on here on it was: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=39135

But perhaps somebody else can shed more light on it. From your post it does not sound like you have major depression.

10-02-10, 11:30
Please talk to your mum and dad about how you are feeling - tell them everything, all your feelings and thoughts. Even although they have your grandmother to think about they have to put you first at the moment. You don't have to go on like this. You are so young and if you get the right help then you can put all this behind you. Do it now and don't waste any more time. You have your whole life ahead of you so don't despair. These feelings can be helped. You are not going mad - you sound very anxious and depressed.

10-02-10, 15:55
I agree with the previous post.Youre obviously a good person because youre trying to help your friends which is great and youre worried about your mum being upset. I was depressed badly when I was a teenager but mum and dad never noticed tho they loved me, adults can be hopeless at seeing how bad their kids feel! Are there any teachers you can trust enough to say something? Do take care and good luck

10-02-10, 18:31
hey just wanted to say somthing about the self harm. i used to do it and its not a good idea. when ure cut and bleeding it feels go i wont lie.... but after you just feel sick wit yourself....then your left with the scares as a constant reminder of the pain thats inside. there are better ways of dealing with stuff. talking to people about stuff isent easy but its the best thing you can do x

10-02-10, 20:46
Dear Backflip I'm sorry that you are not getting the help that you need at the moment. I expect that the reason your GP hasn't prescribed anti depressants for you is because of your history of self harm. This can be exacerbated if you are under eighteen and taking certain anti deprssants. You could try booking a double GP appointment with one of your parents and make a list of all the things that are bothering you at the moment.They might be able to work out a care package for you? Asking about home tutoring would also take the pressure off. My depressive illness started in my teens but although I have had episodes throughout my life I have been fulfilled in what I have done. You will need specialist help however. There might be a young peoples service in your area?The Priory hospital group also have psychiatric services for young people but it is private and you will have to pay. 'Major depression' is a label which is helpful to health professionals diagnosing what your problems are. It should not be self limiting and when you are feeling better you will realise your potential.