View Full Version : Having a really tough time right now *sensitive*

10-02-10, 13:10
I've been a member here for 5 months or so, ever since I was put onto Citalopram for anxiety and depression.

To cut a long story short, I had had a really bad couple of years which included being carjacked at knifepoint, and my dad spending 6 months in ICU before the doctors switched his machines off. The final straw was when I started to have bowel problems last summer, which is suspected inflammatory bowel disease.

I was referred to a gsatoenterologist, which took until a couple of weeks ago to come through. Saw the consultant and he wants me to have a colonoscopy to take some biopsies.

A few days after the appointment and completely out of the blue, I found out I was pregnant - completely unplanned. We hadn't slept together for months after I started on Citalopram because of the horrific side effects I suffered, so the reality is that I fell pregnant after having sex just once.
I am 40 we have 2 young children already, no money, no guaranteed income, a tiny house and both children have minor special needs.
Being on anti d's while pregnant isn't ideal either.

After many tears and much heartache, we decided not to continue with the pregnancy. We tried to get a termination on the NHS, but the waiting list to be seen is 3 weeks, which I simply can't countenance - it's too late for me, from an ethical point of view, and also personally. Having had 2 children, I know how the first 9 weeks feels and I know I wouldn't be able to deal with ending a pregnancy then.

We have had to find the money to go privately, and I am booked in for surgical termination next week - a day before I was due to have the colonoscopy, which I have now had to cancel.
Yesterday, I started to have a flare-up of my bowel problems - diarrhoea, blood etc. I also have a lump in my neck. Saw my GP today and explained that I felt caught - I can't have the colonoscopy, and I'm not sure when I'll feel able to, physically and mentally, after the trauma of the termination.

She got really cross with me and said that it sounded like I was just finding reasons to put it off - there was no reason why I couldn't have it while I was still bleeding from the termination and I just need to get on with it.

I AM terrified at the thought of the colonoscopy, it's true, but I was resigned to having it before i found out about the pregnancy. I am an emotional wreck right now, and can't think about anything but the termination. I'm also feeling unwell and very low, so I feel I just need some time to come to terms with all that is happening before putting myself through more medical stuff.

I feel so awful. I never wanted any of this to happen and i don't know how to deal with it.
It's my son's 4th birthday on Friday, so I have to grit my teeth and get on with that too, plus the person who carjacked me has been taken back into custody for breaking the terms of his license, so I've had to deal with the probabtion team today.

I feel like running away from everything.:weep::weep::weep:

10-02-10, 13:26
Chickpea, you are going through some horrendous stuff, I'm so sorry.

I think you're absolutely right to concentrate on just getting through the termination for now - and your doc is a b!tch IMO.

After having three babies in three and a half years, I got pregnant again when my daughter was less than a year old (pill makes me ill so can't take it, condom split). I had a termination. It is probably the hardest thing I have ever done but I still believe it was the right decision for me and my other children (I'd had PND after each birth for a start).

I know how hard it is and I send you much love but you are right and your gp is insensitive. Just get through the immediate thing best you can, worry about anything else later :hugs:

10-02-10, 14:08
Wow chickpea, I feel for you, sounds typical of a doctor treating you as a "case" and not a person.

At the end of the day you know what's best for you. Deal with the termination and let the rest wait for as long as it needs to. :hugs:

12-02-10, 12:25
Thanks for your support, ladies.
It's a horrendous time, and I'm really struggling.
My GP has been brilliant up til now, so I was really shocked and upset by what she said.

Just got to pray that I don't have a breakdown after the termination.

12-02-10, 13:45

Oh your poor thing, u have really been through it :hugs:i really feel for you

I think your dr is way out of order to be with you like that.

if you ever need to chat you can pm me anytime

take care

mandie x

12-02-10, 17:33
oh my god what a strong woman you are, you have so much to deal with. My heart goes out to you...biggest hug sent x

Vanilla Sky
12-02-10, 18:10
My heart goes out to you. We are all here for you when you need support. :hugs::hugs: Big hugs and love to you
Paige xx

12-02-10, 19:53
Chickpea - my thoughts are with you at this moment. Keep on keepin' on and you'll get through it. :hugs:

12-02-10, 20:04
kindest thoughts of love and understanding coming your way xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

love crissy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-02-10, 20:59
I am so sorry. I really feel for you and your gp was TOTALLY out of order. You do things when YOU are ready. It is YOUR body and she has no right making you feel so upset. You have done NOTHING wrong and need to take things at your pace. Please try and ignore her bad attitude and don't be hard on yourself. it is a difficult time for you at the moment. Thinking of you...:hugs: