View Full Version : Its my party and i'll cry if i want to!! Help!

10-02-10, 13:23
:mad: Hey everyone! Hope we're all okay.
Okay so i have a problem.. when i was 18, i had a party, that i won't ever forget.. although i don't think this time its going to be that easy. Basically, in 12 weeks, im going to be 21. :unsure: Okay so thats a nice thought, but could i really bare with being in a crowded room? I'm not agraphabic, i thought i was at one point, but i kept going out just to scare myself, and that made all the difference! I was told many many months ago that i was a sufferer of panic attacks and anxiety, since i've dealt with my panic attacks and looked at them differently, i haven't had one since! My anxiety however, is in the back of my mind, but no where near what it used to be... So i can hang around with my friends, i can have a drink, i've took a few steps forward already this year... But this 21st thing kept me awake all night!! I want all my friends there, i want to show the world what truly amazing people have been standing at my side.. What do i do?? I don't know if i want a 21st party or not... i'd love one!!!
I'd like to see a few of you there if it all goes ahead, and you know who you are..:unsure: Replies are always appreciated.. Thanks!! :blush: xXx

11-02-10, 00:32
sounds similar to me tbh.

Best thing is to do it and face it head on, just make sure there is a quiet place to go if you start feeling a bit unwell.
With all your friends there it will hopefully act as a distraction, but dont drink too much lol, hangovers seem to be 10 worse with anx lol
anyway have a great time x

11-02-10, 15:29
When we Really want something it's natural to feel anxious about it but there's only one way to tackle the anxiety...."Go for it and remember to Enjoy it while it lasts".

As you've found, if we allow anxiety to dictate to us, we never enjoy any of the things we want and so we live our lives with regret for not taking the opportunities to enjoy ourselves when they arose.

You're only 21 once! Make the most of it!!!:winks:

11-02-10, 15:59
I agree with Bill. So far you have overcome so much - this 21st could be a celebration of your triumphs also.

Hope you have a beautiful day on that day - oh to be 21 again!

Heavens To Betsy
11-02-10, 21:27
Have the party. I have a feeling you will regret it if you dont. Enjoy :)

11-02-10, 21:52
I agree with macchiavelli, have an amazing party but make sure theres somewhere for you to have 'time out' if everyone you invite are sympathetic and know how you feel then they will support you as well. Have a great 21st you'll have a fab time!:yesyes: