View Full Version : having a really hard time :-(

10-02-10, 14:23
Hi, i dont even know where to start, i am going through such a difficult time right now. Last week i had my little boy, it was a really difficult and long labour and my baby had some problems, he is still at the special care unit but doing well now, i am also still in hospital, hopefully he may be with me in the room later today finally. Anyway my blood pressure started to go up some days ago, and that has thrown me into another panic besides worrying sick about my baby. I feel so depressed right now, all i do is sit here waiting, i am constantly anxious, always waiting for someone to come and either take my blood pressure or tell me something about the baby. I mean my tummy is churning, i feel pressure building up everytime i hear someone near the door, at moments i feel dizzy and i really panic then, when i see them with the blood pressure machine i feel suddenly like my chest and head will explode. My bp was even 160/108 once or twice, when i ask them to take it one more time they wont even though they see how anxious i am. Couple of times they did it went down the second reading after initial shock has passed. I am sitting here in my room right now panicing trying to calm down cause she said she will come to take it ages ago and i am still waiting...They are giving me blood pressure meds, a beta blocker, but after i take it if i relax i feel lightheaded and slowed down in a way,i dont like it and its also very depressing taking these, cause i cant help but think that this whole situation and panic are doing this to my bp. She just took it, said it was in the 90s the bottom one but i could feel my head and chest pressure rise as she was doing the cuff, couldnt even take a deep breath... How do i stop this, my baby will b ok but i am so scared for him, and about my bp when i saw some of the readings like that highest 160 over 108, i thought that was it for me... Sorry for ranting, but i really need someone to talk to...

10-02-10, 14:32
Hi Millie,

You have just had a baby - don't be so hard on yourself, you have got so much to deal with at the moment. Your son is going to be with you soon and you will be just fine too. BP goes up and down, especially when you are anxious and you have said you are anxious. Talk to them and tell them that it is worrying you and ask questions. You might feel better if they explain what is happening to your BP and why it keeps going up and down.
AND congratulations on the birth of your son, how much did he weigh and have you a name? x Sending you lots of hugs and wishes :hugs:

10-02-10, 15:04
:hugs:hi, sorry you are feeling bad right now - like other poster said though it is understandable in the circumstances - having your baby in special care and you still in hospital will be the reason you are feeling down - also probs with bp - good advice to ask what if anything is wrong - also alot of new mums get down, its natural, you havrbeen pregnant a long time and the birth is a shock somehow - even though the baby growing should mean you know your having a baby - but really its quite shocking afterwards - takes a while to adjust - dont expect too much - btw, what type of anxiety do you suffer?

10-02-10, 15:47
His name is Zach, he was 8lb85. Eight days old today :-) I have been in this hospital for 11 days now, never stepped outside! I feel if u were well u'd get sick in here. I suffer health anxiety, that should explain me panicking like this over blood pressure. I just had a look, that time she took it when i was writing the post, she's put 130/95, i was shocked cause panic felt worse than 130, first thought maybe she made a mistake.Then she gave me stupid blood pressure tablets, now i feel so lightheaded, i want to cry, cant wait for the effect to go away. I wish they would just listen to u...

10-02-10, 16:14
Zach is a lovely name, I remember my first daughter was 8lb 8oz! Good weight!!
11 days is a long time, and soon they will be a distant memory! I have health anxiety so I know why you feel so low. Coupled with just giving birth, your emotions will be all over the place. If you feel like crying, then let it all out - better out than building it up. Your BP seems to be coming down, even when you feel panicky which is another good sign, and when you have Zach back you can focus on him. Have they hinted at when you will both be allowed home?? :flowers:

10-02-10, 18:19
Not really, they will have some results hopefully on friday and if those are good and he is well i am hoping that is it. I miss my partner so much, its been so lonely at night especially... About the bp, i just feel they r giving me too many tablets, too strong dose. Still i manage to panic when they come to take it. I just feel so badly depressed about taking this medication...they keep saying it wont be forever but i just feel they r just to happy to give u meds...Has anyone had this kind of BP because of anxiety?

10-02-10, 18:32

Congratulations on the birth of you son

Sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment. Its no wonder you are feeling so anxious.

When i had my daughter my blood pressure when up and i stayed in for 8 days after i had her. They put me on blood pressure tablets for a month and then i was able to come off them.

I panic everytime my dr takes my blood pressure and it always goes up high at the surgery.

my bp has been as high as yours at the surgery but the dr always says its my anxiety making it high.

when i take it at home its nearly always normal

love mandie :hugs:xx

10-02-10, 20:08
hello sweetie, massive congrats on the birth of dear zach!!!

please do not be hard on yourself hun. you have just had a baby.

i have not had high/low blood pressure but i do suffer terrible dizzy/giddy spells which frighten the hell out of me and then i start to panic.

i too panic when i am having my blood pressure taken.

you are not alone hun and pm me anytime xxx

10-02-10, 20:23
Mandie, thank u, that was very helpful, i wish i wasnt such a worrier. How much was ur bp when they put u on meds when ur daughter was born, do u remember? Just had them come over again to take it and with those stupid machines that give me enough time to work myself up even if i wasnt already expecting them...144/88... I'm just sick of it. Worse is when they come at some ridiculous time like 6am wake me from whatever restless sleep i get, shock me and take my blood pressure, it's like torture for someone with health anxiety! Honestly,i just want to get out of this place with my baby and be with my hubby, 3 of us at home, hopefully i will b able to stop obssessing about this.

10-02-10, 20:45
any idea when you can go home chick?? xxx

10-02-10, 22:00
Dont know when, maybe day or two now. I am sitting here crying now, she had to come and announce she will be taking my blood pressure soon, just to give me plenty of time to work myself into frenzy, what kind of torture is this, i keep trying to tell them how anxious i am, and to at least take a second reading, its like im talking to myself, they just tell me take deep breaths like i wasnt trying to relax myself and it does the opposite sometimes... Sorry people to go on about this but i am so scared.

10-02-10, 23:06
Hi Millie

I remember bout month before i had her it was about 150/90 150/95 150/100 around that.

That was high enough for me to have to go in

i was in such a panic everytime the bp machine came near me i would panic.

i remember the dr saying your pulse is high, what are you worried about!!!!

there were times during the day it would go right down and then up high again

I was stuck in hospital 8 days, i had alot of stress in life at that time and just wanted to get home, so im sure that didnt all help

for about a month or two after it hovered around 140/90 but dr was satisifed and let me come off the tablets.

im sure once you are at home with your family you will be able to relax and your bp will come down

something i try and do when im having it taken is to breathe slowly and deeply. a nurse told me this and it seems to help and lower the reading a little.

hope you come out soon hun
