View Full Version : Skin Cancer - Extremely worrying symptom

10-02-10, 16:51
I haven't googled for once but I am getting into a serious state just now.

Near the shoulder of my left arm there's a really painful area and next to it there's an irregular looking piece of skin. It's never been there before.

I know I'll need to go to the doctors if this gets worse but the fact that it's came from nowhere is stressing me out and killing me at work. I can't stop getting into a panic. The pain itself around the piece of skin is distressing too :weep:

10-02-10, 17:15
I don't think that skin cancers are necessarily painful - so it's probably a good sign that it is. I would advise that you go to your GP nevertheless, because there are many things it could be - many of them benign. So don't worry and think the worst but put your mind at rest by getting it checked out, rather than leaving it and letting it play on your mind like this.

I'm sure it's nothing serious and you'll be fine.

11-02-10, 05:10
Hi, I agree with the post before me. If its painful it could be a bite or inflammed skin. Skin cancer is my major fear and I go in a total panic when I see something new. Ive had 2 spots on my leg that appeared at different times. One was a little tender. I was sure it was a new mole growing. I cant tell you what it is but they have both subsided now. I try to remember spots do appear on skin all the time and most will go away on their own. Have you worn ill fitting bras or clothes??? Im so sure it will be nothing. Adelle.x