View Full Version : panic attacks think im going to have a heart attack

lex i
10-02-10, 18:54
Hi everyone
I am new to the website and have already found it helpful reading some of the threads.
My main problem is i always think there i something wrong with my heart.
One of the biggest poblems for me is that a lot of the time these episodes seem to happen for no reason or randomly.
My symtoms are pains in and around my chest i describe them as pings also dizzyness sweating and a tight throat.
These can lest anything from 5 mins to a few hours.
I have had a ecg and been told im fine and im also on beta blockers but and still finding it very hard to cope when i do have them and i get extremly upset by them and am sometimes left in tears by them.
Also once they start i find it really hard to get a grip of them or ride them out.

I would just like to see i anyone with similar symtoms has any tips on ways to cope with these types of attacks as i am so sick of them i have been living with them for around a year and a half now.

Thanks everyone for listerning

10-02-10, 19:43
hi,im in the same boat as you,im constantly thinking about my heart its taken over my life had ecg done but i cant be convinced,i know how hard it is but you just gotta keep telling yourself its only adreniline it wont harm you,focus on breathing from your stomach also,hope we can all help each other,take care Andrew.x

10-02-10, 19:52
hi i im the same has ur 2 my heart is on my mind 24/7 i also have had all test and all ok but as soon as i get a symptom all reassurance goes out the window i get chest pain and find it hard to breath or breathing to fast it is a nightmare

10-02-10, 19:57
my breathing is pretty much 50% nearly all the time docs have suggested walking for anxiety reduction but when your breathing is not 100% and your focus is on your breathing its a struggle just to make short walks.

pussy cat
10-02-10, 22:48
i,m another one - always thinking that i,m going to have a h/a & although i have had an ecg & all was fine it still doesn,t stop you getting a p/a as soon as you get a pain in the correct region.i always keep bicarb of soda or rennies handy because 9/10 its wind - i try a bit of deep breathing & take a rennie or bicarb-shortley after it starts to subside & then the panic lightens-god only knows why we all have to suffer like this - another thing is when it happens think to yourself - i,ve had this before & nothing happened - i remember 1 day i had a stabbing pain in the middle of my chest,just at the side of my left boob,the panic was awful,bicarb which is usually pretty instant did nothing & yet the pain was getting no worse,i walked,stood,sat & led down but it was still there i really thought this is it !!!! & guess what - it was the wire in my bra that had poked through !!!
i must admit the relief was fantastic & i laughed about it - good luck & try & stay calm:winks:

10-02-10, 22:52
hahaha so funny,cheered me up too,hope youre doing ok.x

10-02-10, 23:15
Did you have your ekg before or after your first "episode" ? EKGS can detect if you are having a heart attack at the time , or if you have had a heart attack in the past. Since you are not exerting yourself , stable angina can most likely be ruled out , along with unstable angina if you have had these episodes frequently for a long time. Next time you have this episode , pinpointing the problem helps. I usually stretch my arm out and move it around , and use my other finger to pinpoint where pain is coming from.Certain positions will bring about the pain, other times its just gas.Mine is related to posture, and most likely a muscoskeletal misalignment

11-02-10, 00:37
at least I am not the only one

my heart is on my mind 24/7 - had ECG 2 years ago and it was fine so trying to finally realise I am not going to die each time!!!!
difficult to think that when you have these feeling damn near every day

18-02-10, 17:35
yep in same boat as u all, ad 2 ecgs an both fine, im suffering from health anxiety an think something is wrong with me all the time im in therapy for it , but scared of doin somthing in case sumthing wrong with my heart, but with my father aving ad 10 heart attacks well..... an hes still with us..but im constantly worried an very scared :weep::)