View Full Version : Medical disclosure

10-02-10, 19:51

Im new to this site and would really appreciate some guidance.I am in the process of going for a new position with my employer who i have worked with for the last 3 and half years. My sickness record is very good. I have never been off sick with depression/anxiety/stress etc. However last summer i developed anxiety/panic attacks out of the blue, brought on by social situations usually at work ie meetings - usually when i had to speak in public. I went to my GP and was prescribed propranolol which has really helped. I just take them when prior to going into a big meeting and it settles me right down, i use them about once or twice a week. My concern is that this new position (for which i have an interview for next week) requires that i bring along a "medical health questionaire". It asks if over the last five years have i "been treated for anxiety,depression or stress" it then asks if yes "please give details, including how you manage your condition". Do you think i should disclose it? If yes then what should i write/how much detail should i put down. What is the liklihood of them checking my medical history? Can they do this? Many thanks in advance..

11-02-10, 00:20
Hi there!
This is a difficult one!! I am all for been truthful, open and honest and think that if you were applying for a job outside the company for which you already work i would say 'yes, disclose your health history', as new employers usually do, these days, check with your GP. They have every right to do this and your GP must disclose the information they seek. However, what is the likelyhood of your current employer checking with your GP?? i would be inclined to say 'slim chance'. Then again, if they do check and you get rumbled you may lose your job.
In my last two job applications I opted for the honest approach and disclosed my anxiety and medication history....I was offered both jobs!
Good luck with whatever you decide and let us know how you get on x

11-02-10, 00:22
be truthful - it well be worth it long term