View Full Version : Can anyone help please?

10-02-10, 20:00
Hello, I am a bit of an anxious person but for some umknown reason I get absolutly terrified of feeling sedated. I've just come out of hospital following a day admission with a general anaesthetic and as soon as I came round a bit from the anaesthetic my heart rate shot right up and my legs started shaking. The nurse asked me if I was anxious as my blood pressure was fine but my heart was racing quite a bit. I told her I had a phobia of not being in control under sedation. She told me I was fine but went to get advice from the nurse in charge. I knew I'd be ok once the anaesthetic had worn off and tried sitting up before I was ready but couldn't. As a result my heart went into overdrive again. Another nurse came and rubbed some lavender on the back of my hand. They were all so kind. But the drugged effect didn't wear off, obviously, and I got even more panicky as she kept taking my pulse. After an hour I went to my ward but my legs were still shaking violently. My eyes kept closing due to the anaesthetic but I wasn't asleep. I could hear everthing. As soon as the drug started to wear off I sat up a bit higher and tried deep breathing but my heart was still fast. Eventually I went to the loo with help and when the effects started to wear off the palpitations got less too. The same thing happens when I have drugs that sedate me too much. I hate that feeling and get bad palipations until the effects wear off. I came out yesterday but still feel frightened at the memory of it all and wondered if anyone else has this phobia of sedation. I really really am desperate for help. Thank you so much if you can, Sarah.

10-02-10, 20:01

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-02-10, 14:10
Hello Sarah

I can't relate to the feeling of being under anaesthetic but glad you were cared for so well in hospital.

Perhaps admin will move your post to a more appropriate subforum.

I hope you feel better soon and find the forum useful.

Welcome to NMP

Mr Parfect
11-02-10, 19:16
Welcome to NMP.