View Full Version : How to get over this fear of bleeding (ladies please)

10-02-10, 21:30
I posted about this before, but as my period approaches I am more and more nervous about it.

Quick recap, I had a termination 9 weeks ago (I was just under 6 weeks gone). Had a light bleed for 5 days after 6 days had passed after the op, which i was told i had to have and showed the op had worked. 31 days after that small bleed started I had my first proper bleed. I saw my GP and he said it was my period, as it was 5 weeks after the operation. I had 2 light days, followed by 2 VERY heavy days. I had a gushing sensation everytime I moved or stood up, the blood was also dark and it terrified me to be honest. I really never have bled so heavy, and it scared me.

Since that bleed I have been quite nervous, and always wear a panty liner just incase, I actually feel nervous everytime I feel any kind of loss down there (discharge say) I feel nervous and it affects me when I am out. I sound silly but I often check myself down there:blush:

I am on day 25 of my cycle now, this will be my 2nd period since the termination and I am scared about my period arriving. I am really worried about it. I just hated the gushing feeling, it felt like i would bleed to death or something. I saw a GP at the time, and she did swabs and bloods, she said both would rule out infection and prove that the bleeding was just a heavy period. They both came back normal, yet I am still anxious about my period arriving.

Why can't I get over this fear? I have never felt scared on a period before. I know last month was expected to be heavy after the procedure I had done, but it has left me scared of my periods:weep: I am really worried about it starting this month, and when it will arrive. It is my sons birthday party Saturday and I don't want to be on edge, and I hope it doesn't arrive then because if it is that heavy then I will have to take to my bed, it really was so heavy last month:blush:

My GP today gave me the pill (loestrin 20) she said it may not help this months cycle but to start it on day 1 of my period.

I am not sure why I am posting, maybe noone can help, but I am really struggling with this fear at the moment:weep:

pussy cat
10-02-10, 23:49
that gushing feeling is horrible i,ve had it & like you i was scared but although it is a lot - it isn,t a lot if you know what i mean.your periods may take a few monthe to settle down again but the pill will definatly help - if it does happen again & it probably won,t try & keep calm & think to yourself it,s not abnormal,it,s just a very heavy period & it will stop,i promise,i do know how your feeling & i sympathise with you - good luck xx:)

Going home
11-02-10, 00:02
A period is the lining of your womb being shed and depending on how thick the lining is determines how much blood you lose...some women have these heavy periods all their lives until menopause, while others are lucky and don't have much. You had a termination so this will affect the lining of your womb since the fertilised egg attaches to the inside of the womb. Its normal to take a few more periods before they settle down again. The doctors and nurses have checked you out so try to be reassured by this.

Take care

11-02-10, 06:23
Thank you both for replying.

I just hope this month is lighter. Last month just reminded me of everything I guess and left me feeling anxious everytime I bled.

My GP did say the pill would help things in time.

12-02-10, 06:06
Well it's day 27 now, and im very nervous. It's my sons birthday party tomorrow and really hoping it doesn't arrive before or tomorrow:(((

i am so anxious that im going to gush again, I was a right nervous wreck last month when it happened:((( I know ive the tranxemic acid to take this time, im just so nervous:((( My periods have never bothered me in the past, sven when heavy! I hate feeling anxious about it arriving:((

12-02-10, 08:06
hi Jessica.

I had the same feelings when i had the same proceedure when i missed carried but it didn't come away. It was 4yrs ago in may. Now i feel fine and my periods are fine, but after the op for a few periods they weren't my usual type. Gushing one day and next to nothing the next. i was very worried. I was assured that the womb had to make it lining from new and it would naturally change how i bled.

That made sence to me. I used to wake up in the morning and go to the loo and be in a panic cos of the amount of blood, but that was cos i had been layed down and the gravity made it move when i stood up.

you will get your regular pattern back you just need to let your body heal. If you want to talk i'm here.

Nikki x

12-02-10, 10:41
I used to get that gushing feeling all the time from the age I started my periods at 12 up until I went on the pill 3 years ago. I now don't get this at all, just slightly heavy when I first go to the loo in the morning because I've been laid down all the time. Can I just recommed trying Kotex night time pads, I used to wear these and they are great for a heavy flow. Also you can try wearing a super tampon and a pad for extra protection

12-02-10, 11:00
Thank you so much, my GP said after a few cycles the periods would return to normal, but I had abit of gushing and was in agony with periods before the pregnancy, my GP wanted me to try the pill then but I refused. I have now decided it might be time to try it and I was prescribed loestrin this week. I shall start it as soon as day 1 arrives. I am just hoping it doesn't arrive until after my sons party tomorrow.

Ibought some thick night time pads today, I have a cupboard full of pads now, in the bathroom, lol! I have never tried tampons, I guess these would stop the gushing sensation though? I don't know why, but they scare me abit, because of the toxic shock risk I guess.

It is just that gushing sensation, it just really frightens me I guess, as it feels it won't stop. Last month everytime I even moved sitting position in bed I gushed, evreytime I stood up or sat down... for about 36hrs i had this, and GP said it was normal. He said some women have this for about a week every month???? god it was horrible.