View Full Version : What tests have you had?

10-02-10, 22:28
I am a long time sufferer of HA and have visiting my dr for years. I thought it would help to write down all of the tests I have had over the last 5 yrs to see if I could convince myself that these painful leg symptoms and all over joint pains are just in my head. The list didn't make me feel better but I was amazed at how many tests I have had. I attached the list and I was curious if anyone else would like to share.

MRI of head
endoscopy of throat and stomach
CT scan of left flank
countless blood tests (including at least 3 HIV tests)
biopsy of removed tonsil
biopsy of removed nasal polyp
chest xray
2 CT scans of nasal passages
Ultrasound of testicle (sorry tmi)

I think that is it. None of them have found anything, yet I am still convinced I have any number of diseases at this moment. I hope that others will read this and not feel alone in their quest for answers.


10-02-10, 23:25
I would take it easy with all the . MRI"s , CT scans, and xrays they all give off a fair amount of radiation.
Testing might give satisfation , when nothing is found but constant exposure to these types of testing inrease your chances of cancer quite a bit.

11-02-10, 02:55
Sambapati85 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=20216)

A few of your last responses on this site have been questionable in content. When you are responding to someone with HEALTH ANXIETY, please use your logic, reason and decency. By telling someone that they may get cancer when you have no physical history, no medical history, no idea of their age or state of health, you are compounding the problem and causing a lot of people undue stress and harm. Please, be more thoughtful with your comments, no matter how well intentioned.

11-02-10, 08:20
Dear Sambapati5

I would have to agree with marleys comment. Please note that this forum is for Health Anxiety sufferers who are looking for support from other sufferers and people who can give advice.
None of us are in any position to diagnose, or advise, the ultimate advice would be to seek help from a professional.

This particular post that j2 had written is quite a useful one for us HA sufferers. Sometimes it helps us put into perspective the amount of tests that we have had done and how we are still OK.

You are more then welcome to be a part of this board, but would ask that you word your answers more sensitively and avoid diagnosing or predicting.

Much love


11-02-10, 14:03
Sorry didn't mean to cause a stir. I just thought posting my tests would let others see that we all get worked up, race to the doctor and nothing comes of it. Now I have to fight the urge to google if I am going to get cancer from too many tests. Either way, I hope others see that they are not alone in this struggle for sanity.