View Full Version : I'm finally dying my hair...!!

11-02-10, 13:55
Some of you may know that I've developed a fear of dying my hair after over 5 years of doing so... incase I have a reaction & die. Well, today...I'm biting the bullet & getting my sister to do it for me [don't worry, she knows what she's doing]

I'm very scared & this is a BIG step for me...but wish me luck... & look out for posts later where I'm going...IT'S BURNING, HELP! LOL! >.<

Heavens To Betsy
11-02-10, 14:11
I worry about stuff like that too. Good luck with it... just think how good you will look after. :)

11-02-10, 14:12
i too worry about this.

have you done a skin test? x

11-02-10, 16:11
Sorry if this sounds "funny" but when something scares us so much which isn't essential to overcome, I often wonder what's wrong with being natural?:shrug:

I'm NOT saying this is the case for you but sometimes I feel people feel the need to conform with what they are made to believe is what others want because of what they read and hear in the media but personally I just prefer a person to appear "natural" because there's no need to create false appearances. It's what the person is inside that really matters.

Of course you're probably doing this because it's something you Really want for yourself and if it helps you to feel good about "yourself" then all well and good.:)

I just feel we should never try to be something we're not because of what we're made to believe that's how we should be because it shouldn't matter as we should just accept people for "who" they are.

I sometimes think of Shrek. A princess will always appear beautiful to a prince so why try to change the beauty they already have?:shrug::hugs:

Veronica H
11-02-10, 16:38
:bighug1:I am glad that you are facing your fear about this. I understand totally as I developed the same phobia but managed to face it and overcome it after a few months. You will look and feel better for facing it too. Good old sis for helping you out. Let us know how it goes.
:bighug1:Bill. We need more men who think like you!....sadly I would look like Gandalf from lord of the rings but with dark eyebrows if I did not give nature a helping hand.


11-02-10, 16:54
sadly I would look like Gandalf from lord of the rings but with dark eyebrows if I did not give nature a helping hand.

Like I say.....and what would be wrong with that???:shrug: I Love Gandalf and The Lord of The Rings because he's such a lovely character and it's such a lovely film so why should I think of you any differently?:shrug:

None of us can stop the passage of time or the effects it has on our body but where there is a warm heart it will always shine through to create an outer aura of beauty no matter how the person looks....so like I say sweet "Gandalf", why try to change how you look when there's really no need to?!?:shrug:

11-02-10, 17:15
Thanks so much guys & a special thanks to Bill, wish all men thought like that, but unfortunately, they don't... :(

As for dying my hair, it's something I've done for over 5 years now & I've just got used to having the blonde hair. It makes me feel like "me" with the blonde, it's become kind of like a trademark & dying it has always made me feel better about myself & made me happier, so I didn't want that avenue of pleasure being closed too, after so many have since my anxiety reared it's ugly head... :(

It went well, I didn't freak out & it wasn't uncomfortable. But now the after effects & worry are kicking in...I've already googled reactions on the net & got myself all worried. :( I'm worried that my face & back are burning & I don't know if they are or if It's me making it feel that way...& I'll be counting the 72 hours of the "danger reaction time" one by one now...

Was it worth it? I don't know anymore...
But at least I braved it... :S

11-02-10, 17:29
it has always made me feel better about myself & made me happier,

Then it's worth doing because you're doing it for "you".:) To me though, it really wouldn't matter if you had purple hair with blue streaks and pink highlights if that also made you feel happy just as long you never tried to change "who" you are!:winks:

And no....I certainly wouldn't suggest that other blokes should be like me!:foot: because I'm Far too soft and weak. I just wish I could be more like you or them...but this thread is about you, not me.:hugs:

11-02-10, 18:29
Well done on facing your fear, I'm sure there will be no reactions and you will be fine.

I have died my hair for years now, and the worst that has happened to me is ending up with dyed ears ! which always takes a few days to wash off properly, but makes me look very weird !

Going home
11-02-10, 19:30
I did react to a skin test once so they suggested I just had highlights as none of the dye actually touches the scalp. I can still cover any grey with them and they look good enough mixed in with my own colour which is still auburn in parts :D

Good luck anyway, i'm sure you'll be fine
GH xx

Veronica H
11-02-10, 22:39
:yesyes:Well done. I am sure that you will be fine.
:bighug1:Another hug for the lovely Bill....If we could clone you the sales of hairdye would plummet.:).


12-02-10, 01:20
I don't think I'd be very popular with the cosmetic industry!:lac:

Going Home...

I can still cover any grey with them

Why???:shrug: What's wrong with grey? People bleach their hair bright white so why should natural grey be considered unattractive? When a person has an internal warm glow, it really doesn't matter what colour they are on the outside because no one could ask for more than the glowing colours the person holds naturally within.:hugs:

12-02-10, 08:09
Interesting posts. I am a dyer and I can't tell you how much it lifts me to have my hair dyed. I look much more attractive (to me). I have low self esteem and having my hair dyed, picks me up no end. Absolutely worth it. Really boosts my confidence!

Bill you are special but I honestly do it for me, nobody else. Just like I wear clothes rather than walk around naked. I wouldn't put myself or anybody else through my nakedness,lol!

12-02-10, 18:47
Oh dear, the panic has really set in now... :(
The right side of my face is red & burning & I've developed a sore throat...
I've had a reaction, I know I have...why did I do it? :weep:

I don't want to go to the A&E... :weep:
Any advice??? I've looked on google for help but it's only frightened me further... :(
Really frightened & I know it's my own fault, I just wanted to face it...I'll know not to bother in future...

12-02-10, 19:09
Does your scalp feel sore ? Ive never heard of someone getting a sore throat TBH ..are you sure you couldnt have picked a cold up or something ? Did you get some dye on that side of your face ? Maybe you are just thinking it was the hair dye and its something else ,completely unrelated ? Sue x:hugs:

12-02-10, 19:16
Thanks Sue.
I got my Mum to check my scalp cos it felt abit itchey & she said it looks okay & isn't red but she's probably saying that to calm me down.
I don't remember getting any of the dye on my face, unless it run down in the water when I was in the shower washing it off but it's never happened before... :(

12-02-10, 21:24
chick years ago my mum had a very bad allergic reaction to hair dye.

she dyed her hair on an evening herself (one she got from a supermarket) and then went on to play skittles that evening and was fine. when she got back she asked me to chack her head as it was a little itchy but i could not see a thing wrong.
when she woke in the morning her scalp was soaked where it had been weeping and her pillow was soaked through. her face was VERY swollen to the point where she could hardly see. it was very frightening, she seen her doc who gave her some tablets to take and she was back to normal within few days.

im sure you will be fine hun, from the sounds of it it does not sound like you have had an allergic reaction.

what dye did you use? xx

12-02-10, 21:25
by the way my mum did not have a sore throat with her reaction.


Going home
12-02-10, 22:56
I agree with smudger, that most women will dye their hair for themselves rather than anyone else. After all, its been going on since Roman times when women would crush beetles to make red hair dye :ohmy:

But Bill you are a treasure for saying those kind things, but I think even if our blokes were happy with our grey hair (and my chap has no problem with it) us women wouldn't be, its just something inside us. It just makes us feel better about ourselves much like wearing make up does, and you'll find women who wear it will continue to wear it even if they're 80, which proves they're only doing it for themselves at that age! Ive been in hospital after an op and put lipstick on before any visitors arrived. Its not rational, its just the way we are :blush:

Anna xx

13-02-10, 03:01
I'm Sorry Sal.:hugs: I hope what I said didn't make you feel worse because I would never mean to. I sincerely hope you're ok now.:hugs:

Its not rational, its just the way we are :blush:

Hmmm....or is it accidental programming passed down by mothers or what we see and hear on the media that it's the way women are supposed to look? Maybe it's because we feel we have to conform with everyone else and feel we'd stand out if we didn't? I don't know.

It even makes my mother laugh when she's watching a film and a woman wakes in the morning with not a hair out of place and wearing lipstick. I feel that in the normal world, a woman's not going to look like that first thing but it's not going to stop you loving them so why go to all that bother when you get up? Speaking of which Smudger... Just like I wear clothes rather than walk around naked. I wouldn't put myself or anybody else through my nakedness,lol! Do you Seriously think a man would object??????:shrug::blush: It rather contradicts the idea of putting on make up to please the opposite sex when you feel the natural body wouldn't also please.:winks:

I can certainly understand the need to feel that you look good though. Self-Confidence is so important. As my mother says, when I wear a suit I look good and feel good, and if you feel a mess, you just want to hide!:blush:

There was a film on not long ago called Shallow Hal. He was only attracted to slim beautiful models so could never see the beauty within. When he was hypnotised, he saw women he would normally overlook in his ideal image so when he fell in love with a large woman who he could only see as a slim model, he couldn't understand why even her own father didn't praise her as he should. He ended up showing her father what he couldn't see in his own daughter. Of course the spell was broken and Hal gets to see her true form but by then he realises he can't live without her.

When I was in my teens I had terrible spots. I felt So:blush: to be seen and I tried everything to get rid of them or hide them. I even went to big store to ask for a womans makeup stick to try and cover them. I could never get a girlfriend because they made me lack so much confidence in even being able to talk to a girl. I was extremely shy as a result. By the time I was 17 my hair also started to recede as a family trait and so by the time I was in my early 20's all my hair on top had gone. I must admit that although I just accepted it, it did make me feel even more unattractive because at that age I believed women preferred men with a full head of hair.

I sometimes think if you're the only person living on a planet, would we bother with our appearance? Would it matter to us how we looked when no one would even see us to judge us? Therefore, what is it that makes us feel the need to be something we're not?

Anyway, if you want a love to last a lifetime, you have to love the person for Who they are because we all grow old and if we love the inside, the outside will then always look beautiful no matter what time of day it is or how the person looks which is why to me the outside is simply unimportant! I know I'm old-fashioned but when a rose is brought into this world, why when the rose matures should anyone want to mess about with what is already beautiful unless to highlight it even more for it's own self-confidence?:hugs:

you'll find women who wear it will continue to wear it even if they're 80, which proves they're only doing it for themselves at that age!

Well, I've heard of elderly women feeling lonely! :winks: I'll have to ask my mother!!!:winks:

Hope you're ok Sal.:bighug1:

13-02-10, 04:33
hope your ok x x x

15-02-10, 12:35
Hope its all okies :-) I have this fear myself and i know what you mean when you say about not feeling like yourself without dyed hair. I dyed my hair from when i was 11 till 19 and then i got anemic and stressed and a lot of my hair fell out, so havn't dyed it for years and just don't feel like myself anymore. My hair has been falling out due to chronic stress again but hoping when it gets a little better to be able to be brave enough to dye it :D I am worried about allergic reactions too, which is odd as i dyed my hair for so long with lots of different dyes so i don't know why i should suddenly be allergic but thats anxiety for you hehe xx

16-02-10, 19:16
Thanks so much for all the advice guys *huge hugs*
I've been ok since & the burning seems to have died down. But now I'm having other troubles :(
Can't win & I keep feeling so stupid about getting worried all the time over the smallest things :(