View Full Version : oh no......can anyone help

11-02-10, 14:15
Hi everyone

Incase you dodnt already know, I get really worried that my 5 negative hiv test are wrong.

Today I have sinus pain and cant breath through one side of my nose. I think i get this on and off a lot. Stupidly i went on google and read that people who get recurring sinusitis should get hiv blood tests...

OMG im really scared again.

Does anyone else have this sinus problem? I really need help with this again

sorry everyon eto keep going on

When i blow my nose there are little bits of green, not alot though and i feel pretty yucky like im not well and have a sore head behind my eye and the side of my nose.

Does anyione else get this?


11-02-10, 14:17
I have this most days, I always have sinus problems, have for years. Don't let it worry you.

5 negative HIV tests I think should be enough to convince you that you don't have it, especially if you have been with the same partner.

11-02-10, 14:20
Thanks loads for that Jessica

I know, i get so far with beleiving that the tests would not miss an infection withi it and then i just keep almost looking for these signs. Its really upsetting when i find something.

Thanks very much for telling me about your sinus stuff too, makes me feel a lot better.

Do you have any young kids?

Or anyone who can tell me if there little ones have runny noses on and off for no reason? And if it is sometimes a bit green?


11-02-10, 14:31
Yes I have 3 young children, they get colds from time to time, and green is very normal. I used to think green always required antibiotics, but I am a pro with sinus infections now, and unless I have a fever and facial pain I don't bother going to the GP. I have abit of green at the moment, it will soon go.

Honestly, a blood test would not miss HIV. It is only if you could have exposed yourself since your last test that you could then be at risk again.

Try to trust the blood tests and your GP.

11-02-10, 15:28
hi lisa
i agree with what everybody has wrote here, my 3 year old always and i mean always has a runny nose especially when its cold, he doesnt have to have a cold for his nose to run. It does sound like you have a bit of a head cold and this is what will be causing the sinus pressure take a few days chilling out taking paracetamol and you will fee much better.
take care xxxx

Cell block H fan
11-02-10, 18:45
5 negs is 4 confirmed! 1 could be a mistake, although unlikely! but 4 more??? Nah.

12-02-10, 10:47
Thanks so much ladies

Feel much better after reading your posts. Rebbecca that sounds just like my daughters runny nose patterns. And Mworrier thank you that also sounds just like me !!

Thanks cblock i never thought of it that way, thats great, 4 negative confirmations!!


12-02-10, 15:04
Hi Lisa!!

Every morning I have sinus issues - as you have read you are so not alone!! Sounds like a little sinus infection to me!! If it presists - give the Dr a call....only because they can give you something to help clear things up! If mine presists, the Dr usually gives me a dose of antibotics to help clear things up. No big deal!!

And Cblock is sooo right - tell youself over and over again "4 negative confirmations" ...retrain your brain to think differently!

12-02-10, 17:30
I think I may stop coming on here actually.

Since 2006 I've been sniffling all the time, and constantly blowing my noise and sniffing hard all the time, and I have NEVER considered that to be related to anything major other than just blocked/congested sinuses.

Now if it's related to this, then I'm getting myself panicky when I was having a pretty decent day today in all honesty. It's just one of the many fears I have.

I know it's on the internet and people say don't Google but surely the Internet doesn't lie about everything.

That'll be my HA kicked right off again today then. Shouldn't have opened this.

Vanilla Sky
13-02-10, 11:53
Starscream , I understand what you mean . I to think that by coming on here some posts feed my anxiety. Get the sinus and hiv thing straight out of your head , it's a load of nonsense. My dad has had sinus trouble for years , imagine if i said to him , eh dad , think you should go for an hiv test coz it says on google , He would have me commited!!
Don't give it another thought hun , :)
Paige x

Cell block H fan
13-02-10, 16:52
Blimey if I worried about my nose all the time I would be in a right state. I cant really breathe out my nose, cant remember when I could, I sneeze for about 5 minutes constantly every morning, my nose hurts when I push on it. If someone punched me in the middle of my face I would be in agony, more than a normal person lol
Ive had all these things for as long as I can remember. Maybe I should have had my adanoids out or something as a kid? I dont know. But I worry about enough things without worrying about my nose personally x

16-02-10, 14:11
I think I may stop coming on here actually.

Since 2006 I've been sniffling all the time, and constantly blowing my noise and sniffing hard all the time, and I have NEVER considered that to be related to anything major other than just blocked/congested sinuses.

Now if it's related to this, then I'm getting myself panicky when I was having a pretty decent day today in all honesty. It's just one of the many fears I have.

I know it's on the internet and people say don't Google but surely the Internet doesn't lie about everything.

That'll be my HA kicked right off again today then. Shouldn't have opened this.

Hey starscream

I apologise that our anxieties have clashed! This has happened to me often on here as well. I think everyone can related to anothers post sparking something off. I guess the problem is that as much as this forum can help us all....its abit like the blind leading the blind here. When i posted this , i wanted the same reassurance that you need now and those of us who dont fear hiv as intensely can give it and those of us who worry a great deal about hiv just cant!

I think that a lot of it is about putting the severity of symptoms into persepective. Since freaking out about this stuff i read on google, i have considered that

1) sinusitis is a infection
2) infections are more common when the immune system is lower - hence googles connection woth hiv HOWEVER

3. stress and about three billion other things can cause the immune system to be working under par.........allowing sinus infections to happen.

4) Try and immagine the extent to which siusitis must be before any sane and profressional health advisor would say....ahhhhhh must be hiv. Im thinking gallons of green and yellow pus seeping out of nostrils and unable to lift head of the pillow for pain really strong antibiotics doing nothing an d a hundred other fungus infections and conditions happening along side it....... i would imagine a seriously obvious problem

5) since posting this I have discovered an awful lot of normal folks that i know also suffer from sinus probs.

So this is how I feel better about it. I hope it works for you too hun

Sorry again for plunging you in !!


21-02-10, 23:32
ok guys....allergy can cause a sinus infection. Allergy makes excess mucus which allows bacteria to make a nice home hence the infection. Get a netti pot or sinus rinse instead of 1 more HIV test Lisa ;-) I always had sinus issues too...now I have gone from an infection every month or so to only 1 this year! They do work. Just make sure and use a good natural salt and not salt you use with your food.

Lisa...also remember that HIV does NOT have specific symptoms. All symptoms associated with HIV are also associated with weakend immune system which can happen from: stress, pregnancy, vaccinations, foods, alcohol, the list goes on and on!