View Full Version : My therapist suggested this as an alternative to anti-depressants.

11-02-10, 17:48
Hi there,

my therapist asked me this morning if I'm on anti-depressants. I was but I'm not any more and haven't managed to managed to ask to go back on anything. Anyway, she suggested this http://www.yourhealthfoodstore.co.uk/details.php/p1936_dr_tolonensbiovita_e_epa.html It's a concentrated form of fish oil and studies showed that 1g a day for (can't remember how long) was more effective than fluoxetene.

I've ordered some on-line. Not sure if I'd be able to get my dr to prescribe it but she said to try the GP. I really feel like I need something at the moment.

I'll let you know I get on.

13-02-10, 23:16
I think it's got to be worth a try. I think going the natural route is a very good option if it works and you'll avoid some of the nasty side effects you can get with meds.

Let us know how you get on.

14-02-10, 12:33
Little Ali what type of therapist do you see? I'm interested that is all. I'm not sure what studies have been done to support this research? Is he/she implying for mild/moderate depression that we should all take fish oil? As a supplement maybe? If it works for you however then that is all that matters.

15-02-10, 00:32
She's a counselling psychologist.
She seems to know alot about research that's been done. She said the studies were done with 1000mg pure EPA though and I've just seen the tablets I've got are only 180 mg!

Well I know fish oil is good for your health and ideally we should probably all take it.

I'm going to my dr on 26th and I'm going to ask for 'something'. I didn't have a bad reaction before to Prozac so hopefully she'll prescribe me some.