View Full Version : Depression sucks

11-02-10, 21:54
How much does depression affect you on a daily basis can you cope with it or is every second a struggle to keep on the straight and narrow and not slip up ?

I fight and struggle in dark patches during my days, dark moods which seem unending and unforgiving .The reality of life is so hard at times i accept that and when things are bad and more bad things happen they pileup like a motorway car crash from hell.I can understand fully why people try and escape from it in any way possible some good ways but others much worse.How anyone finds that fine balance between chaos and being something in life is beyond a mystery for me.

11-02-10, 22:47
Its hard work, like climbing everest every day. So many people simply dont understand, and i would try to take courage from the experience of others on the site. If you feel like you really should be in intensive care some days trust me youre not alone. Everybody seems so damn confident these days and its so hard to look weak, but its the opposite, it takes strength to carry on which is what youre doing. Are you taking anti depressants and are they helping? Bash on mate were with you

12-02-10, 13:46
I liked your subject headline - made me smile! :)

You have to remember that depression is a illness like any other, you have days where you can cope with it and get on with what you want to do. Other days where you feel low and crap and rotten, everything gets on top of you and you just want to scream or hit your head against a wall. You are how you are for a reason, we all are, take each day as it comes. Enjoy the good days, and don't be hard on yourself on the bad days. Keep going, and all the best! :)

12-02-10, 16:03
I don't take any anti depressants anymore they seem to make things worse ie more suicidal in me let alone the side effects. Some days are better than then last but some truly knock you for six thats for sure.I have to really try hard sometimes to hold my head above the water every bit is a like sick challenge at least im not alone one in feeling like this.It is an illness but a strange one because i find its impossibly difficult to describe my own depression.The way it makes you think like your not right,different to everyone else and need lots of pills just to make you like everyone else in this society.

12-02-10, 17:27
Hi Rom

Know what you mean...I have been going downhill fast with each minute being a struggle let alone each day. I try so hard to hold it all together but I'm no superwoman and other people make it worse when they are supposed to be the NORMAL ones.

After another poo day trying to hold myself together I lashed out and kicked my lovely spaniel... I am devastated...the only creature loyal to me and I did that he hid from me..something he has never done before he hides if there are raised voices but it broke my heart to know I made him yelp and hide... truth is it is me I loathe ... I hate me I hate me I hate me... I cut myself to punish me ... yeay isn't life sweet...

I am holding on for my CBT and you must find what it is that you have to hold out for we can get better I just know it but don't know how when sometimes it is other factors that help to drag us down.. hugs

13-02-10, 01:47
Rom, you say you cant describe your depression, but your description of every day being a sick challenge is brilliant. I just erased the expletive! And Sharonsk, god do i feel for you, but your spaniel will still love you because it (he/she!) knows youre not a nasty person just hyper stressed. :bighug1:

13-02-10, 21:37
Thats true squeaky i guess, i can never explain it to anyone fully so that they understand 100% only little bits.

Can anyone ever overcome depression without taking loads of meds for the rest of their lives that has a high success rate?

13-02-10, 21:49
Depression is terrible.. Im sorry .. so sorry you are feeling bad.Michael

Kat M.
16-02-10, 20:12
Rom, don't give up! I don't know your situation and I can't give you an advice. I know it's very hard. I've been there.

I recovered from my depression. I only used meds on a few occasions and for a short time.

I started a blog recently dedicated to lifting depression, in hope that it might help someone to find their way out of depression.


scarlet regret
19-02-10, 19:09
Rom....tht is true so so hard to explain the only person tht can fully understand it is urself and tht is hard enuf. im so glad someone else thinks the same thing :)