View Full Version : something positive

12-02-10, 00:34
hi everyone,

ive realised that everywhere i look are sad, scary negative stories, newspapers, tv, friends etc...

i suffer anxiety disorder and very low self esteem.
i always concentrate on the worst. after years of this i know its not helping me.

i want to start a thread where we can all write something positive. whether it be about ourselves, a positive story, things around us...anything...

its kinda looking at the cup half full instead of half empty. i know we all have awful things to deal with, thats why where here......

so im gonna start:

my positive thing is:

i have 3 adorable dogs. they are a pain in the butt, but they are a lot of fun too.

my mum, who i had no relationship whatsoever for my entire life till last year.....has now become a close friend...who would have thought! and i love it.

my dad, who had a major heart attack 2 months ago, SURVIVED! and even tho he is another huge pain in the butt, im very happy hes still around so i can annoy him for as long as possible :yesyes:

last one,
i suffer from tocophobia, but im pregnant! and even through the fear i am very aware of what an immense blessing this is.

i would love to hear other positive moments from more of you....who knows, it may even make us smile, laugh and get to relax, even if just for a few moments.....

12-02-10, 09:14
What is more positive than the fact that you are pregnant??
This is the most wonderful thing in the world (even with anxiety disorder)
i have a three year old boy who at this minute in time is demanding that we get the playdoh out, despite me telling him that he must wait until 9am. He wont be quiet and he is baking my head....but in a nice way!! I would not be without him, and if anything, he helps with my anxiety because he keeps me going, helps me forget about silly trivial worries that i have and he is my main achievement in life. My happiest memories are from the past 3 years.
You have all this to come (i am presuming you have no other children but excuse me if i am wrong) and you are in for a whole lot of love, fun and enjoyment (forgetting the sleepless nights, lol)
my positive thing for this year is that my friends and i are going to do a midnight walk in aid of our local hospice and then we are going to do a sponsored sooter run with our children for the local children's hospice.
Something else very positive is that my partner and i are planning our wedding for next year. We are going abroad and taking lots of family with us.
No matter how much negativity we have in our lives we can make sure they are out balanced by the good, by the positive!!!
Thankyou for your thread, its a brilliant idea x

12-02-10, 09:26
Hi Peach

Congratulations!! and Congratulations Pinkpiglet on your wedding next year!!

Positives in my life.......

3 x Wonderful children - 14, 12 and 2 1/2 (Youngest also demanding playdoh at the moment!)
1 x Wonderful husband
1 x Stupid cat (does nothing, neither use nor ornament) but makes me smile
1 x Very large chocolate labrador
Live in the countryside with loads of fresh air and walks.

and.....my last one, just opened a packet of chocolate buttons and I swear they seem to have more in them!!

12-02-10, 22:15

congratulations on your wedding pinkpiglet!!!!

it will be a fantastic day for you! i got married 5 years ago and when i still think of it i smile so much! and yes! your right, first bub! yay for kids and play do! i sooo love the charity walk your about to do too!!! im thinking of doing charity work next year as i think it will be very healing for me to focus on others and it will make me obsess with me less.....definately a good thing!

zojo, what wonderful wonderful positives too for you! love the stupid cat! haha!:roflmao: how amazing it must be living in the country side.....ahhhhh...happy place......

i was worried this thread wouldnt lift off the ground. im so glad you have taken part..it made me very happy reading all the positives...cross fingers they keep coming!

expecto patronum
12-02-10, 23:35
Yay, great idea for a post!

Ok, positive things;

-This post: thank you so much to pinkpiglet for your words of wisdom on having children; I love children, so one of my top fears is that I wouldn't be able to cope due to having anxiety, but of course we can still be good parents!

-You know that feeling that you get when you hear/read/see something that resonates with you and helps you make sense of your own feelings? Like Harry Potter, I feel like those books really understand me, if you know what I mean? Recently I read 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', that was great too. And 'I Capture the Castle' by Dodie Smith. There's a singer-songwriter I really love called Ed Harcourt, and I've recently re-watched an old TV series from the 1990s that kind of defined my adolescence, 'My So-Called Life'.

-But I also love some really pointless, cheesy stuff like 'Doctors' which I watch on BBC iplayer (sad, I know!)

-Going to the gym and running while listening to Muse (makes me run faster!!)

- Nature; clouds, branches, birds silhoetted (sp?) against the sky, sunsets.

- The sound of rain against the window when you're all snuggly-warm in bed!