View Full Version : Suicidal Thoughts.

12-02-10, 01:17
Oh i hate my life, i know this is so sad posting my depressing feelings on here but i need help and FAST.

Im so depressed ive started smoking again, last time i smoked i was rushed to hospital because i got bad chest infection it stopped me breathing, it closed up all my airwaves. Now im scared its going to happen again. But im really stressed out and my mind keep talking to me telling me i should let go and end myself it repeativivly says this, i keep seeing the world in a different way, i cant go out anymore and i just feel ill and tired all the time. I cant escape myself and i feel death is the only way :weep: Im really scared and no one understands me anymore.. please someone help me! PLEASE !

12-02-10, 01:41
I don't know if I can help you, but I sure will try. I do know how you are feeling though, I mean I have felt like I wanted to die many times, you know it's not like you want to die, it's more like you want the pain to end, wheather it's emotional, or something like that. Anyways the important thing you have to remember is you should stay, stay for all the right reasons, go for a walk, call a friend or watch a really funny movie, I don't know if this is helping you, I hope it is, you ever want to chat i'm on here most days! I do know where u are at right now, ive been there, it's a dark place, I know.

12-02-10, 01:42
Hi, Do you have anyone who you can turn to to get some support, perhaps a friend, or go to your doctor and let him/her know all the thoughts and things you feel are wrong, talking is a big help for anyone and can make you feel a lot lighter and help you to overcome the depression.

20-02-10, 11:36
i thought this was such a sad post,and i dont really know what advice i can give....
as im new to this site, but i just wanted u to know u arent alone. i have never been suicidal myself, as my partners best friend commited suicide and it broke so many hearts, however on 3 occasions wen i have felt really low i have comforted myself with the thought that if it gets too much, i can die. the thought of an escape calms me down- i would never do it though. u desperatley need help, and i think u should go to your doctor. i have obssessive thoughts and other users have suggested i ask for CBT..... have u tried this??? it might help. i know it sounds silly but write a list of all the reasons u have to live...all the things that are good in ur life and in ur dark moments focus on this. i dont know if this advice is any good for u....i just wanted to try and help. i hope u will be ok, and if u ever need to talk feel free to private msg me. take care x

20-02-10, 14:01
Hi Ruby,

I really think the best idea would be for you to call a professional or one of the helpline numbers below as I feel that you need more support that can be offered on this forum at the moment.

0800 068 41 41 is open from 2pm till 5pm on a weekend


0845 766 0163

08457 909090 alternatley you can email them jo@samaritans.org

Good luck hun, take care and please let us know how you get on :hugs:

20-02-10, 15:46
I agree with sunshine lady Ruby, maybe calling the samaritans or something like that would be of help to you. Obviously we are all here to listen too, so please keep posting if it helps you to vent how you feel.
I think when things seem desperate, you can feel like death is the only way out but you have to keep thinking forward and you know you can better, we all can. Never give up on that hope because if its possible for your mind to make you into this state, then its possible for your mind to fix itself, however long it takes. Hold onto evey little positive thing, no matter how small it seems and use any tiny glimpes of positivity to keep you going. They can grow into bigger feeling of positivity eventually with the right help. Visit your doctor also if you haven't already as they can help you also. Take care xx

21-02-10, 18:09
Thankyou x

21-02-10, 18:43
Ok I know this is an old post now, but I've been there (and still get to that horrible place sometimes). I smoke masochistically occasionally. I have asthma so I know exactly what it can do to me.

Masochism feels kind of good in a sick way. But you know, and I know, it's sick... it's the sickness talking. If you're at the bottom, it can only get better. Suicide is the exception. Suicide is worse than the bottom. So when you feel suicidal, you have two options: a) make it worse in the last way possible and kill yourself or b) accept that you're at the bottom, and the thing to do now is go up. As unbelievable as it seems, you will get better. These days will, one day, be days in the past. Now is only for now. Tomorrow (even if you can't see it) exists and it's possible to be happy in it.
PM me if you want to talk more about this, I know about being depressed and suicidal... quite a lot :) xx