View Full Version : please advise me (meds)

12-02-10, 09:51
sorry to be a pain and i have posted something similar just recently.

i have been on 5mg cipralex for just over 4 years. about 2 years ago when my gramp was ill and dying of cancer my anxiety started to come back and i have been suffering quite bad for the past 2 years. i went to the docs who suggested i up my meds to 10mg daily. i was very nervous but i did take one just before i went to bed and spent hours in bed shaking and it frightened me so much i never took another one.

anyway for the past say 6-8 weeks for a reason i do not know i have been taking my 5mg cipralex every other night. i know i need to take them every night but im almost scared now to take them every night. this really is ruining my my life and having full control over me and everything i do and think revolves around this :( to some of you this may sound silly but i have a real bad phobia about taking meds because of the really bad side effects i had when i first started them. also i hate the thought of not being in control as i have 4 children to look after.

right now i cant bare to do even daily things....shopping/school run. we are going to disney land paris in 5 weeks with my mum (who has no clue about my anxiety) and i really want myself sorted or at least better by the time we go.

please help with some advise x

12-02-10, 10:17
Hello there :3
That dosen't sound silly at all! I'm also scared to take any type of medication. Even when I started taking Paroxetine(20mg) I almost couldn't do it 'cause I was so afraid of the side effects. But now I've been taking it for about a month and a half, and I'm feeling so much better! :D I know how scary it is to take a medicine like that, but you should know this: The remedy will only make you feel better. It might be scary at the beggining, and there might be some side effects on the first days, but you'll see that everything will go away and you will feel so much better. :) I had some really bad side effects for 3 or 2 days, but after they're gone everything just feels... right again.

So don't worry! Everything will be ok, even though it's scary right now. Just take the meds without thinking too much about it! And if you need help, we'll be right here to support you :hugs:

12-02-10, 10:26
Hi Mummy4,

I have been off cipralex for nearly two years (I think, memory awful!) I am sure I had to take them in the morning as I am sure (memory again) that my doctor said they would keep me awake at night. (Maybe talk to your doctor on that one!)

I would talk your fears over with your doctor, clarify what you felt when you took the 10mg and say that it scared you so much that you have been taking 5mg every other day. You have five weeks until your holiday, you can start to feel better by then. See if you can have a phone consultation or visit with your doctor and hopefully they can put your mind at ease. It might just be the missing every other day is having an effect on you and making you feel how you are feeling.
Were you feeling ok when you were taking 5mg everyday??
Did you come off them at all in the four years or have you been on 5mg for four years??

12-02-10, 13:27
natalie, thanks so much and yes it is very scary :( x

zojo, i have been taking them constant for just over 4 years, and was fine on them til my gramp died just over 2 years ago. i started to panic and worry about death and every little thing so felt i was back to square 1 really.
i did see my doc in november and he suggested i put meds up to 10mg daily and to see him in 2 weeks to let him know how i was doing on them. he said if i couldnt take them because of me being scared then to go back and see him in a week, not sure why its just what he suggested but i never did go back.
also was told to take mine at night when i very first went on them as if i would have any bad side effects then these would hopefully happen during the night while i was asleep....if only! i have never had no problem with taking them at night and i have never had any problems sleeping (apart from the time i took the 1 10mg)

just so scared of everything right now and do not feel well in myself at all. constantly feel down and tired and always so dizzy (and this frightens me loads)

just do not know what to do :( x

12-02-10, 13:39
aww poor u :hugs:

i no how u feel. i was petrified to take my meds first time i was given, it took me 2 weeks to take the first one

when they stopped working my dr changed me to another and again it took me 2 weeks to take.

when he wanted to up the dose it was the same again. i just hated the side effects when i first take them.

then i thought would i really feel as bad as im feeling now.

it sounds like you really need to take them everyday because you dont seem to be coping on them every other day.

Have you ever tried cbt hun. i think it could help you

love mandie xx

12-02-10, 13:57
hi mandie

i tried cbt about 7 years ago. it was good, i mean i could see what it ment, but did not work for me x

claire m
12-02-10, 14:06
hi mummy i take mine in the morning as i found if i take them at night i cant sleep at all.

12-02-10, 15:55
I would go back and have a chat with your doctor, and just tell him how you are feeling.
I have heard about taking them at night so you can sleep through the side effects. Nights are a bad time for me so the day time was probably a good suggestion by my doctor.
I know exactly how you feel about the death thing, I lost my Granny and Dad in the same year which set me back and I went back on cipralex.
You might of just had a wobble when you took the 10mg as you were worried about taking it.
Try not to feel too down and scared, it can get sorted. I know it doesn't feel like it at the moment, but seeing as it has worked before I am sure it can again. You have had a set back, and to have a set back you must of gone forward (easy said!!)
Have a chat with your doctor as he sound really helpful.....xx
Big hugs and keep talking xx

12-02-10, 21:07
hey zojo many thanks for the great post.

sorry to hear about you loosing your granny and dad thats so awful :(

yeah my doc is so lovely and very helpful, lucky really.

and i do think that maybe partly why i was shaking so much was because i was so frightened.

think im just going to have to bite the bullet and start to take the 5mg every night as of now and also start the 10mg maybe in a week x

13-02-10, 17:36
:( getting really down every time i think of the meds :(

14-02-10, 08:48
still could not bring myself to take my 5mg last night :(

i will tonight as its my 'alternate' night

and i know i 'should' tomorrow but im soooo scared

14-02-10, 15:04
anyone please :(

15-02-10, 00:39
Sorry I can't help you. I want to go back on meds but am scared of the side effects :hugs:

15-02-10, 15:47
(((hugs))) xx

16-02-10, 18:51
i have still not managed to take my 5mg every night :( its getting me down as its all im ever thinking about x