View Full Version : Much worse now

02-01-06, 12:25
I just wondered if anybody was feeling worse now that christmas and the new year are over with.
I have found myself feeling much worse. I used to be able to get to town by taxi and local shops without too much anxiety but yesterday i was only waiting at the end of the street for my brother to pick me up and i was in full blown panic.
I think it might be because of the amount of time i have spent indoors over the christmas period.
Does anybody else get worse if they stay indoors for too long?
or does anyone have any advice?

02-01-06, 13:14
I think how you are feeling is the normal post festive period anti climax, we have all been so stressed about making sure everything was going to be ok, and worrying how we were going to get through it, and now its gone, all of a sudden we have nothing else to worry about again except our current state of mind, i think even people who dont suffer from our problems feel a strange empty feeling after the festive period, could be to do with the fact that we have had so much company, over eaten,over drunk and not had to think about day to day issues, also if you have children and they have been off school this can also upset your daily routine. Try and get back on track again,a small step at a time, but be rest assured that you are by no means on your own feeling this way at this time of the year, january is one of if not the worse month of the year for low mood... things will get better, spring is around the corner.
take care

I just want my life back

02-01-06, 13:23
I was feeling rubbish all over christmas but the last two days haven't been too bad.

I do feel worse if I am in the house all the time and am much better when I am in the routine of getting up for work, etc.

I hope you feel better soon.

Annie x

02-01-06, 13:26
Hi Poppy,

I think Nell is right!

I am quite low at the moment and it has brought on a bit of a cold, my sleep is not so good and I'm much more twitchy.

I'm giving it a few days and maybe then I'll be "OK".

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-01-06, 13:30
Hi Poppy, I hope this time next week we are all feeling better.
Since boxing day Ive hardly been out, infact ive hardly been dressed even.
Im back at work tomorrow so after a bit of gentle persuasion Ive set myself a list today and am going out for an hour.
i have never in all my years (and Im old lol) felt like this at Christmas before and wont next year.
Take care and keep going.xxxxxxxx

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

02-01-06, 14:29
Hi Poppy

I definatley feel worse after staying indoors too long, the panick is worse when I leave the house, and I just want to get back home, if Ive been ill and havent left the house for days that is the worst!!.

I try to get myself out even if its just out for a drive at least youve left your comfort zone and wont feel too bad about heading off to work-I myself am dreading it!!. Good luck everyone for the BIG return to work.