View Full Version : Twitching

12-02-10, 10:37
Anyone know anything about twitching.
I had an accident about 6 months ago which brought on a lot of side effects, twitching, sweats, panic attacks etc.
I have been reasonably ok for 2/3 months but two days ago the twitching started up again, for no reason.
It is random twitching, sometimes in my leg or arm or foot, different places basically, any ideas much appreciated.

12-02-10, 16:11
Anxiety can cause muscle tension which can then lead to spasms or twitching. Unless you have other serious or unexplained symptoms I wouldn't worry about it too much.

There are a lot of threads on this topic if you put "twitching" or "twitches" in the search box above.

Take care

12-02-10, 17:32
My muscles start to get pins and needles, sometimes it is just needed to keep moving about, keep moving the joints and stuff. i usually start getting pins and needles and start to loose control of my body so running or walking around usually helps me. :)

12-02-10, 17:44
Hiya, I started twitching all over quite alot around this time last week, I read that it is due to having low levels of magnesium, so I now take a magnesium suppliment every day and I have had very very little twitching since!

Take it easy :)

12-02-10, 17:51
Magnesium is actually a good idea because it relaxes muscles. Don't take too high a dose though because it can act as a laxative - unless you want that effect...

13-02-10, 03:09
Thanks, I can see by looking at other posts it's quite a common problem,still horrible though, thanks for the replies.